Blue Is A very Good Mother

Ms Clucky

5 Years
Jan 22, 2019
Salem, Illinois
My OE Hen, Blue, took a week old baby. The mother that hatched it started pecking it's feet for some reason so we gave it to Blue. She hatched out 7 other babies and she took this little one at a week old. Now she and the baby and the other 7 are a happy little family. We still have to doctor the babies poor little feet. It's ankles were swollen up and the feet were black. It's still hurts to scratch but the baby is running around and playing pretty good. Baby is making it kinda hard to catch it to put medicine on it's feet, so the feet are healing. Blue is such a good momma. She hatched two of them in the house when we brought her in. I will get a pic of her and the babies later and add it.

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