Blue Jersey Giant roo <1 y.o. Bobbi Porto stock (local pu MO) npip


11 Years
Feb 1, 2008
St Louis MO (Jefferson County)
My Jersey Giant boys are starting to peck each other's neck feathers and are going to look like Naked Necks if I don't find this guy a new home. I can also sell a black Jersey Giant hen with him from the same hatch, to sweeten the deal ($25 for the pair) I can deliver if you are within a 30 minute drive of Jefferson City. He is a big boy and I'm not even going to mess with shipping! He is really tall, and for size you can see the 4 ft fence in the background. Hatched this fall, he hasn't even filled out yet. I originally got Jersey Giants to keep the hawks away- apparently they think they are crows and leave the flock alone. So far it has been working. I'm keeping my black JG roo for that reason. He is going to be HUGE! He is quite shy & timid, but will come to you if you have treats in a bowl and make silly kissy/whistling noises. I did vaccinate these Jersey Giants against Marek's as chicks.

I'll add more pics upon request, this pic is of him sunning so his neck feathers are raised.

Here's another pic of him next to a 4ft high chainlink for size comparison.

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