Blue or Lavender?

Oh! I just thought of another question I have. Would it be correct to say lavender is a dilutent of black? I know it can dilute other colors like buff, and you get like a light creamy color but the standard lavender is when you have homozygous lavender genes present on a black bird correct? Lavender is also only present when homozygous right, so it will only be visible if you breed either split lavenders or full lavenders. split x lavender=50% lav 50% split, split x split=50% splint 25% black 25% lav, and lav x lav = lav. or can you get lavender from other mixes too, no right? Sorry if this is confusing, I kniw my question in my head, but hard to get it down on paper.... or in this case typing.
You are correct as far as I know.😊

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