Blue Orpington, Blue-laced Red Wyandottes, and Blue Ameracauna's plus Welsummer question


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Posting this video clip of my 8 Meyer Hatchery chicks hatched May 28th. I ordered 8 layers:
  • 1 Blue Orpington
  • 1 Gold-laced Wyandotte
  • 2 Blue-laced Red Wyandottes
  • 2 Blue Ameracaunas
  • 2 Welsummers

I *think* I have them all figured out? But I'm not sure and would certainly appreciate input from more experienced people!
Here is the video:


I think the first one in the video is the Blue Orpington--is 12 days old now, and appears to have a small comb. It darts from right to left, and then appears later on in the video too (stretches one wing and leg later on in the video). Rooster? :(

The second bird (where you see a close-up of the chick's face is a Blue Ameracauna I believe. How to tell if Ameracauna or Easter Egger? (I did not order any EE's just the 2 Ameracauna's.)

The third bird is a Welsummer, is the biggest chick, and the boldest (also the friendliest!) Wondering if he is a roo too, as there is also a comb appearing. :(

I think the one with the solid brown head is the other Welsummer (walks off with piece of greenery in beginning of video). It also has a comb starting! Or do they always always have the chipmunk striping and it's not a Welsummer afterall?

I think the very last bird is the other "Blue" Ameracauna but it will be mostly white when it grows up (aka splash?)?

The rest I am pretty sure are the 3 Wyandottes--they are smaller and stripey and I don't expect to be able to tell the Blue-laced Reds from the Gold-laced although I think maybe the darker blackish one that scrabbles at the feeder as she is eating is the Gold-laced?

Thanks for watching and assisting in helping me figure all of them out!
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Very cute chicks! The video does not help to distinguish which one is what! The lighting is to much, it breaks up their color and we just can't see them clear enough. You should post individual pics of each chick without being in the box or under light. Side profile , and comb close up would help! :)

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