Blue Silkie with Streaks?


8 Years
May 17, 2011
These just started appearing about a week or two ago. (I forget his age but I want to say he is about 17-18 weeks - Oh and Im guessing on the "he" part). He seems to have a larger comb and waddles and the mohawk looking poof. My younger ones (9-10 weeks) have smaller combs/waddles than he did at their age and their poofs are more... well poofy LOL But Sinatra sits on the babies like "he" is a hen Haha

Anyway, there seems to be buff streaks growing out on "his" neck. Is this a form of colour leakage? Or is it normal in say a roo (if he is - no eggs or crowing yet) Its pretty anyway. No I dont plan on showing him I just like to be informed about my animals. Thanks

Heres Sinatra:
Thats what I was thinking. This is just a colour "disorder" right its not some kind of indication of being mixed right? Sorry Im new with the purebreds. Normally I just picked out straight runs from mixed bins at TSC and local feed stores - bought on cuteness and egg layability (Haha if thats a word LOL) These are the first ones I bought specifically for the awesomeness of their breed.

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