Bluebird nest


11 Years
Jan 16, 2010
Powhatan Va
I have not been Around much, things have been pretty good, considering what this year has been. I decided to move the girls fenced area to more of my yard so we can see them from the house. I didn't realize that the dilapidated falling apart bluebird hose was still being used. Pre fence move the dogwood tree it is in was on the edge of my yard, now it is in the middle of my Run.
Hens being the sweet gentle things they are I want to prevent casualties, so will put chicken wire around the tree, probably following the drip line. Should that be enough to protect the fledglings, or should I move the fence again? I'm using electric poultry netting. Is this even the right forum ? Thanks
We have a bluebird house right next to the poultry yard/run. The bluebirds are now on a third batch this year and there has been no casualties. The chicken wire isn't going to help the bluebirds but may prevent damage to he tree.

A better thing you could do is make sure there are plenty of places for the bluebird babies to land so they don't tire and land on the ground. If there are plenty of trees and bushes nearby to the house then you need not be concerned.
We have a bluebird house right next to the poultry yard/run. The bluebirds are now on a third batch this year and there has been no casualties. The chicken wire isn't going to help the bluebirds but may prevent damage to he tree.

A better thing you could do is make sure there are plenty of places for the bluebird babies to land so they don't tire and land on the ground. If there are plenty of trees and bushes nearby to the house then you need not be concerned.
That's what worries me, there are no other trees or bushes within 'fledge distance'. It is 25-30 ft from the nearest Tree or shrub, and in the middle of the run. There is nothing for them to shelter. If a fledgling hits the ground, I don't think it will end well. I think moving The fence is their safest bet. I have been here 4 years and this is the first time this house has been used. I was planning on taking it down Because it's so dilapidated. Me, worry? My mother told me to stick with what I was good at😜
Then, yes, I'd move the fence too. I'm almost as fond of our wild birds as the pet ones. When we moved here four years ago there were no wild birds to be seen, or, any other wild life. Now the yard is teeming with life, everywhere, of all kinds. And blue birds everywhere! Putting up bird houses was one of the first things we did.

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