boatload of spoiled rotten babies..anyone?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 8, 2009
Has this happen to anyone else? So... I have been so super busy with school and my teaching job for the past couple of weeks that I didn't notice that I was running out of chick crumble. A few days ago I ran completely out, and since I haven't had time to get over the TSC, I decided to feed my various 2-3 month old babies(6 muscovies and various chick breeds) some older mash that I had been saving for such an occasion. Those little brats practically went on a hunger strike...literally refusing to eat this perfectly good...just different type of chicken food! I ended up having to feed them all bread and grapes for like 3 days until I could get to the store this afternoon to get some crumble. I knew my babies were spoiled... but this is ridiculous!! Anyway they sure are happy now! Now I'm a little concerned though because they all seem to be having a bit of diarrhea...especially the baby ducks. Does anyone know if it is normal for baby chickens/ducks to have watery stools now and again? Perhaps I gave them too many grapes?
Should I give them an antibiotic just to be sure??? Any ideas?
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Good grief, don't give an antibiotic. That would just kill what good gut flora they have managed to acquire.

They will probably be fine. The poop might not even have anything to do with the feed. Look here:

Give them a bit of plain live culture yogurt, maybe mixed with a bit of feed if they are not used to yogurt, and watch them. Other things to try would include organic ACV in the water, a bit of cooked egg, some infant vitamin drops, some electrolytes (Gatorade or pedialyte are OK,) and a bit of baby applesauce, if you wish.

And let us know.
ok...I'll give that a try and see how it goes. You're might not have anything to do with the other feed. Thanks a lot for the info! It was really helpful!

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