Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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I have a question about putting lights in each of my breeding pens. My pens are 6' x 12' over all and divided up into 3 separate pens. They are open air type pens. I'm wondering if one light in the center pen would provide enough lighting for all three or if I should put a light in each individual pen. Also what kind of wattage should I be using for each light?

I've posted these pics before but just to be clear on what I have. I want to install the proper lighting in each of my pens and have them go on with a timer. Over all I have 9 individual breeding pens like.....

Thanks in advance,
Quote: Mine is mostly rocks, fallen leaves and tall trees.
Just right for coyotes and turkeys.
I would just go ahead and center one on each pen. You would have nice even lighting. Three is not a whole lot more effort than one. One will leave dark corners and sections at the barriers.
Mine is mostly rocks, fallen leaves and tall trees.
Just right for coyotes and turkeys.
mine is mostly rock & prickly pear, with a pack of coyotes thrown in for fun. tho I have not yet had them bother the chickens. It's been peoples loose dogs that have been killers. The coyotes just come through and howl about 300-500 feet from the yard and go on.
Thank you.
I've been planting trees trying to get more shade during the day time hours in the pens and barn area for both the chickens and the cattle. We have a few trees around the house and fruit trees in the garden, but had to stretch shade cloths over the pens last year in the drought.
Shade seems to be the most important factor-- we have too many trees but have not clear cut to get rid of them all because of the shade factor. HOwever, not enough sunlight reaches the ground, so to grow grass, more trees need to come down. ( It all goes for firewood)

THis is why I like running several roosters, many eyes looking for predators.
Hi Chris,
One light in your center pen should be plenty.It will light the 2 outside pens well enough.I would use the equivalent of a 60 watt bulb with one of the new energy saver lights.
I have a question about putting lights in each of my breeding pens. My pens are 6' x 12' over all and divided up into 3 separate pens. They are open air type pens. I'm wondering if one light in the center pen would provide enough lighting for all three or if I should put a light in each individual pen. Also what kind of wattage should I be using for each light? I've posted these pics before but just to be clear on what I have. I want to install the proper lighting in each of my pens and have them go on with a timer. Over all I have 9 individual breeding pens like..... Thanks in advance, Chris
I would think one 40-60 watt bulb would be fine. Since the light would be so close to bird level and its not a huge area you lighting one bulb should be adequate
Personally, I would go ahead and do a lower wattage bulb for each pen. It doesn't take anymore effort. That is just the way I am. You have nice pens. That would "finish" them.
Personally, I would go ahead and do a lower wattage bulb for each pen. It doesn't take anymore effort. That is just the way I am. You have nice pens. That would "finish" them.
I'm leaning in this direction only because I was thinking about the shadows and was not sure if that would cause problems or not. I have no problem installing or doing the wiring....that's no big deal to me. My only concern is that I will have 9 lights running maybe more if I light up my other 4 pens. Just don't want to be throwing good money out the window for no reason. lol! I'm saying that after I spent all this money on building these pens.... lol!! My wife is going to kill me if I keep it up.

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