Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Hoping we get back on the Heritage Large Fowl topic and save the drug/disease discussion for a more appropriate forum...

Thanks for the Catalana pic, Walt! It made me look a lot more closely at the Mediterranean class birds in the SOP. Which got me looking more closely at the Leghorn illustrations. Which got me realizing that SOP leghorns don't look anything like what I think of when I think leghorn. Which I kind of knew on an "intellectual" level, but it really hit home how different they are supposed to look than the hatchery versions you see in most backyards. Particularly in the chest area. If this thread can stay on topic I might actually graduate from chicken nursery school someday.

Now that is encouraging! I had heard that what she had was Minorca crosses, but that isn't what I see there. Thank you for sharing that.

Catalana Pullet. There were about ten Catalana's in this show

WFB Spanish

An Ancona for yellowhouse.

Jan 26,27 is the ABA National sponsored by my home club ..Pacific Poultry Breeders Assn. We have over 3800 entries so far and the large fowl will be about 800 birds.
Contrary to popular belief online......Cali has some awesome birds.

I don't know how the Catalana's were made, but they are pretty impressive in person!

Here in Canada, I have to get Eprinex from a vet but I believe you should be able to get it at TSC in the US. Hopefully, someone south of the border will chime in. I've never had an issue with lice but I do know you have to be pretty aggressive and treat more than once to make sure you get all the eggs dealt with. Eprinex is liquid, like Ivomec, a pour on, but more broad spectrum (especially for the external bugs) and perhaps safer although it hasn't been specifically tested with poultry. (No withdrawal time for milk.)
On asomewhat related note, any tips for getting rid of lice??? The poor old half cochin roosterin my avatar (good ol' Mr. Peep) always has some, no matter what we try!
Liquid Permethrin diluted as per instructions will get mites and lice. A shot around the vent and one under each wing, with a shot to the crest kept my Silkies bug free. Then spray the coop and perches.
I think Jay H. was supposed to be there with some (Catalanas). I think he knows Bridgett. Too bad they are on the other side of the Country.

Bridget got her birds from Jay. I didn't see him at the show, but someone else may have cooped them in for him. You would be happy to have any of the Catalana's I saw in this show.


Catalana in a double cage..a good sized good type bird. The first reasonable type Catalana I have ever seen.


How fitting for our current conversation. It's hard to tell from a photo, which isn't a bad photo at that, but the breast seems to descend downward in a rounded manner, which would complement meatiness. Also, he seems to have good length of back. and a deep abdomen. Was he broad to boot?

I have to admit that I wouldn't have counted on Catalans of this apparent quality.
Bridget got her birds from Jay. I didn't see him at the show, but someone else may have cooped them in for him. You would be happy to have any of the Catalana's I saw in this show.


If if ther has been an outcross to Minorcas, they've been graded back well. Nice show of rarer Mediterraneans as a whole. The Anconas weak in the tail angle. Ours are getting better, but that's been a consistant project. The Catalana pullet semms rounded in the breast, too. The WFS doesn't ssem over done, but there's something about it that isn't itting wee, as if it were too short, or squat. It seem to ahve body though. The Ancona has nice breast, but the mottling is rough. Some judging friends are just getting back from a coop tour in the UK, and they some some fantastic mottling. They brought back a magazine with an Ancona article that exhbit amazing mottling, even all over with actual triangular tips.
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