Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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It was suggested that I picked birds that complimented each other. In other words, definitely don't put a brother and sister together that have the same fault as it will almost surely be reproduced, however, if you have a brother and sister where one could use some improvement on size or type, for example, and the other has that in spades, but perhaps, a "funky" comb or some other off detail, give it a try. If it works, you will increase the numbers, and regardless,you will very likely flush out recessives in the line and other issues that might show up down the road.

This opinion is based on starting with stock that is not "junk". Maybe a detail off here and there but basically, good birds from an established line. (Although, one man's junk can be another man's treasure .... )
I enlarged that photo to 400%. That is a Rock. That comb is an abomination if it is a Wyandotte.Where are the curves???

Since you see Rock in everything I'm not surprised you see it in this Wynadotte, but why don't you see Orp in this bird? It is clearly a rose comb. I'll get better pics of the head at Stockton next week. There will be at least 20 there.

AT 400% you only see cookie for you.

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The buff in the picture has a single is not a Wyandotte. I enlarged the photo and the comb is very visible. She gets the cookie.
I have to side with Walt. I zoomed in via my phone. The feathers on the head are standing up awkwardly and give the appearance of a single comb. Look towards the back of the comb and see the rounded flesh behind the head is a rose comb.
One of my Campine roosters is having a really hard time with this cold snap. It has been consistently in the single digits at night and not getting warmer than 30 in the day. He has frostbite on his comb and wattles. Is there anything I can do to cure it? Something I can put on his comb or some medicine?

The coop doesn't have any drafts, but it still has ventilation. He is the only one having this problem. He is 3 or 4 years old.

Help please!

I know this isn't really on topic, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to post!
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I don't mean to get this thread sidetracked, but are people seriously arguiung over whether or not that bird is a Wyandotte? Walt was actually there and saw it in person, why don't people believe him?

Or am I just overreacting to others' reactions???
One of my Campine roosters is having a really hard time with this cold snap. It has been consistently in the single digits at night and not getting warmer than 30 in the day. He has frostbite on his comb and wattles. Is there anything I can do to cure it? Something I can put on his comb or some medicine?

The coop doesn't have any drafts, but it still has ventilation. He is the only one having this problem. He is 3 or 4 years old.

Help please!

I know this isn't really on topic, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to post!
If the comb is not too frozen hold a rag soaked in warm water on his comb. hold it there for maybe ten minutes and leave him where it warm for a day or so. I have done that with bantam Leghorn cockerels and it did work.
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