Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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I don't mean to get this thread sidetracked, but are people seriously arguiung over whether or not that bird is a Wyandotte? Walt was actually there and saw it in person, why don't people believe him?

Or am I just overreacting to others' reactions???

Correct...I was there and there and there was only one buff male Orp entered and no buff Rocks. This was not the best Rosecomb in the world on this bird, but I know what pictures I take and I pretty much know my breeds.......especially when the coop tag says Wyandotte.

There were 8 or so of these buff Wyandottes. This can be the strangest place sometimes.

Karen, you are a wealth of information and I appreciate all the references you offer for us to read. I will need to find a copy of Judge Card's chart and writings. Using the third generation back to the second generation's opposite sex progeny is noteworthy. Thank you for that.
Hi NanKat,
Here it is:
Judge Card is my hero :) He makes everything so simple and deals in laws, not theories. He was Danne Honour's Uncle's Uncle.
The apple sure didn't fall far from the tree there. Judge Card created the White Laced Red Cornish.
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Curiousity, Who is raising these buff wyandottes on the west coast? A rarity to see good ones. The last big show for me was @ Columbus in 2011 & don't recall any. Idk of anyone on this side of the country except maybe Tom Roebuck..not sure of that last name.
Curiousity, Who is raising these buff wyandottes on the west coast? A rarity to see good ones. The last big show for me was @ Columbus in 2011 & don't recall any. Idk of anyone on this side of the country except maybe Tom Roebuck..not sure of that last name.

These belong to Dave Anderson the past prez of the APA. He has 20 entered in the PPBA show in a week.

I wondered about Orpington but the feet/legs are the wrong colour. I too saw a "single" comb in the picture so I gave up.
(The joys of judging poultry via a photograph!) I did get the Langshan right, at least!!!
These belong to Dave Anderson the past prez of the APA. He has 20 entered in the PPBA show in a week.

Thank you Walt. 20-wow! I sent you a PM. I met Dave Anderson when he was judging a MI show several years ago. Very nice man.
Ok. Promise no more husbantry questions. I am looking for a good light brahma rooster. The girls i have appear to be of good size and form, but their fluff is pure white (whitest I've ever seen). Should I be looking for a rooster with grayish fluff (supposing I can find one with good form and size), or does it matter in the standard? It seems that the winning light brahmas in the poultry press and what has been posted on here has that gray under fluff. Should I even try to worry with the hens at all if they have pure white underfluff or try to breed it into their offspring? Last time I read the standard, i was confused on gray Vs. White. Thanks for your help.
I will be joining a poyltry association this sunday, so *hopefully* I will find a good breeder or at least someone who knows a good breeder.

Contact Darlene Hobbs in SC.

I see her at all of the NC shows.
I may be old, but I'm not blind yet ! Thank you. There are points on that comb Walt. The leader is funky , but the points ARE there.

Whatever you want to argue are like a terrier sometimes.

As is not a great may have some rudimentary points because he crossed his existing buff Wyandottes to a buff Orp. It is one picture of one bird......

I have no idea why you didn't jump on the Orp part of this. Automatically you assumed Rock. The Orp also gave it a good dose of loose feathering in the females, but he will have that gone in the next cross. The type is very good and the legs are the correct looks like a good Wyandotte that has the normal problems associated with a rose comb.

So now to end the debate..........a picture is worth a 1000 words. This is not a single comb!

geeeez............maybe you are only partially blind.

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