Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Walt, I hear the Marans did VERY well at Stockton. Reserve Continental with a pullet in the Jr. division and Reserve Continental with a cockerel in the Open division. I'm told they did face some serious competition from the Polish which were well represented. Did you see them? Are we making strides with Marans?

The Marans was Res Continental. A very good win in this kind of show. I am not sure who owned the white Rock I posted, but it was very nice. There were some awesome Polish shown. I think Troy judged them. Did you bake him some cookies before the show?

It was a great win for the Marans!

Jr. winner (reserve Continental with her BCM pullet) was Sara Carson. Peter Ovalle seems really pleased with his win with his cockerel in the Open division. I gather there is some stiff competition from the Polish on the west coast but Peter has obviously been working hard with his Marans.

And I did NOT bribe Troy with cookies or anything else for that matter!
Peter Ovalle here in CA had the BCM that won. No one thinks there are any good birds out on the west coast.............ahahahaha

Oh how thrilling for Peter! He has worked so hard for that win!

I remember years ago when he was winnowing his stock and how patiently he worked the gene pool he had. Just great news! Couldn't happen to a more dedicated Marans breeder.
I like the one I have from the McMurray hatchery as far as looks and temperament. He really turned me on to hamburgs. Of course the one I have is on ly about 1/4-1/3 the size of the rooster at the Fall New ENgland Bantam show. I stood and looked at that fellow for about 10 minutes. He really impressed me. I was excited to see the real size of the LF is actually as big or bigger than many of the other LF at the show.

That's what convinced my that the Meyer "LF" Hamburgs are nothing of the sort. The lone pair of LF SSH at the ON were impressive, striking looking fowl. The bantams are cute, but if I'm raising "Dutch every day layers" I would like to get eggs that are a tad bit bigger than golf balls.
My study on the brassiness in the ones that are effected its is always in the pyle zone/area hackle,wing bow&bar, the saddles and sometimes the tail sickles all of these are the male sex feathers and and are of a different consistency/make-up,hence the shine and look of them and too the ones that more than likely hold more oils so to say, hence they either get stained easier or the oil causes/enhances this effect and the oils also cause some of the gleaning iridescent purple on the surface of the black feathers like oil on the water surface has the purple/maroonish hue to it, or it simply exacerbates it, maybe.(hypothosis,LOL)

ETA maybe all this has an extra effect on the autosomal gold/genetic issues associated with brassiness/yellowing


I have white Silkies. A complete newbie to all of this but it does seem that some stay MUCH whiter than others and some hatch much yellower. ALL my birds get time outside and lots of sweet corn in season as a treat. When I chimed in about the silver v. gold gene, I got support from the breeders. I have since been keeping notes.
I don't want to start this topic all over again and tick some people off but y'all started me thinking... my splash birds do not hatch white or yellow, they're more of a light grey color. Anyway, if someone wouldn't mind taking a genetic idiot like me under their wing, I would really like it if someone would send me a PM to talk about this and give me a little instruction please? My splash males turn brassy in the sun... is there something I can look for to perhaps breed that out?

Again, please just send me a private message. I don't want to hijack the thread. Thank you.

ETA: Please remember too... "Genetics Idiot"... use layman's terms please.
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I don't speak genetics either and would appreciate reading the responses about color selection/brassiness whether here or in the CSU thread.

And GJenson, nice article in the newest issue of Backyard Poultry magazine on page 12 about your search for Catalana breeders.

Hatching Columbian Wyandotte chicks last week and this week. Have 12 in the hatcher ready to pip by the 31st.
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