Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Anyone from this thread headed to the Newnan, Ga show this weekend? I am picking my 14 yr old up from school tomorrow and headed that way. Not showing anything this year as work and weather have really interfered with conditioning any birds to I'm not confident that my Columbian rocks can yet compete with the Barreds and the Whites, maybe one day

If anyone is going I'd love to meet a few of you


I wish!

Hope you have a great time. Take pictures for us!
Wynette and I look forward to connecting with a bunch of you fine folks in Newnan tomorrow and Saturday. We made it as far as London, Kentucky tonight. 350 more miles to go!
My neighbor with the large scale organic farm is making a profit with chickens. He sells chicken meat for $5. lb. and eggs for $8. dozen. The chickens are pastured in his fields where he grows certified organic veggies. They are fed organic feed. He sells at the Bay area farmers markets, in addition to CSA boxes. Hundreds of chickens & eggs every week and he sells out with people wanting more.
The Bay area market is very unique. I'm a life long Californian, so forgive me when I say, we're a bunch of idiots ;) Not sure that would work anywhere else :)
If you don't have to pay for feed and can sell for outrageous prices, you can make some money. Everyone says they make money, but unless you are the persons accountant, you don't know. The person's trying to make money don't usually know, because as I stated before, most people don't count all their expenses. The proof is usually how long the person has been making money. Can they do it over a few years.

I am not saying it is impossible, but most people can't do it with poultry. If they add it to other livestock and farming maybe they can.

That's so true, most businesses go down within 2 years. It's tough!
Have fun at the Newnan show everyone :)
The Bay area market is very unique. I'm a life long Californian, so forgive me when I say, we're a bunch of idiots ;) Not sure that would work anywhere else :)
That's so true, most businesses go down within 2 years. It's tough!

Yes, two years is the magic mark. It is unusual to be a life long Californian......most people here are from other states....thus the strangeness here. I am a native son as well. I wish I could go to Newman, but we have our own show here in Cali.............Fresno this weekend, Bakersfield in a couple more weeks.

Anyone from this thread headed to the Newnan, Ga show this weekend? I am picking my 14 yr old up from school tomorrow and headed that way. Not showing anything this year as work and weather have really interfered with conditioning any birds to I'm not confident that my Columbian rocks can yet compete with the Barreds and the Whites, maybe one day

If anyone is going I'd love to meet a few of you


Glad we got a new lurker who joined us. There are I am sure at least five of you who read this tread but never comment. Heck I bet there are some judges, breeders ect who read this but dont comment and thats all right. I remember Ralph Knickerbocker use to say to Ken Bowl es every time I write a article for the Rhode Island Red Chronicle my sales go down. These where breeders who did make a few dollars on there birds, eggs and chicks in the 1960s. For me if I loos $400. this year I am a happy camper. This will be my best year in 20 years. Got orders for chicks about sold out on White Rock large fowl and starting to pick up with the little Mohawk bantams the past two weeks. No money only helps pay for my $18. of FRM Game Bird pellets. Have no desire to make my own feed or buy feed two dollars cheaper per bag I did that four years ago and screwed up my hatching and took a beating.

Thanks for the tips on the Partridge Rocks. That will help my friend he is reading this thread. Any other sleeper people who may have a lost strain in the wood in Tim Buck Two?
I am about two hours from leaving to go to the Show. I have not been to a major show in ten years and look forward to meeting so many of you we will eat free tonight at the show and maybe tomorrow night we can go out and eat some place. If things go well for all of us we can do this each year. I got to go out and wash the feet of my Buff Brahma Cockerel he is the best one I have raised in about five years fooling with these birds. I guess if I had Frizzled Seromas I would have to do this but I really dont want them in the first place.

Will show three Rhode Island Red Cockerels a white leghorn ckl the Buff Brahma Ckl and maybe a couple of other birds if I can find them.

Going to bring three trios of Rhode Island Red Mohawk bantams to sell some of my old females will be in the bunch and some extra Cockerels I dont need.

In regards to making money with poultry I dont think its poss able even if I had cherry eggers. The feed bill just kills your profit margin. However, if I lived in the mid west near major poultry shows I might be able to sell surplus birds for $50. or more then the eggs for $24 and the chicks for $8 or maybe $10 and break even but living down here on the gulf of Mexico there is no market and there for might just dont worry about it. Like Walt said you dont keep track of side money infested like staplers, drill bits, saws you buy, plastic drinking fountains, leg bands, incubator supplies, plus the lights to run the incubator and the light bulbs to keep the chicks warm may be $50 to $100 a month during that period of hatching and rearing.

Its a hobby and we do it for the love of the breeds we own and for the fellowship we have with each other like today at this show.

The secret I think is to not have to many breeds and breed or raise them smart. There is no way a beginner can raise so many birds foolishly with the feed prices like they are and should even go up to maybe $20 a bag soon to stay in this hobby. However if you have two nice males and four good females you should be able to raise a nice flock and with in your family's budget.

Will take pictures and try to post them so you can see what we see. This is one of the largest shows for large fowl in the South. Bob
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