Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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That's just GREAT! I'm TERRIBLE at Chess!
Well, since I actually DO have about a year between matings, and I can use pen and pencil, I guess I have those tools to compensate for lack of memory, so I can actually devise a plan and "see" where I'm going with it, whereas, I can barely see the next move in Chess, LOL
The only poultry grit I can get is "starter" grit. Much smaller than the regular grit I used to get. Buying regular adult-sized Pro Manna Grit is very expensive. Will it hurt my 12 week thru adult birds to feed them generic "starter" grit? All the grit is granite.
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Quote: Sand is smaller than the starter grit I am using. I thought size of grit kernel was important. It is not?
Hum, so much to learn....,
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Sand is smaller than the starter grit I am using. I thought size of grit kernel was important. It is not?
Hum, so much to learn....,
To some it may be. I was told that as long as the bird can get some grit to grind up the feed that is all it needs. I am a newbie. So others may say different. But I have been using it for months and I don't see a problem with my birds. And in the wild birds eat what ever they can find to use.
I would suggest finding some larger grit for your adult birds. If they are on the ground, they are likely finding some on their own. If the cost is prohibitive, use some natural sand/gravel from a creek or quarry, but be careful to avoid any harmful contaminants. I bought a large bag of crushed granite and I give them a cup full scattered on the floor of the coop about once every couple of weeks, but mine free range and can find other sources. Be careful when you first introduce it as they will think it is a new treat and will get too excited about it and over induldge. I prefer to scatter it on the ground for them to find while scratching and only pick up what they actually need. My large bag will last a very long time. BTW - I do the same for oyster shell....
under color in Reds is very important but once upon a time it got the breed in color trouble and with type. it became a fad and then they lost feather color and we ended up with shredded feather. Of course it was corrects once a few breeders started screaming to judges to help get the breed back in order and stop placing these birds over birds with the correct feather quality.

many strains In Reds you use the quill color as the gage for darkness. The darker the quill the darker the surface color and you can not get it any darker. The under color should be a dark rich color. many We see strains loosing their surface color in bantams as we see on this tread many large fowl Reds are right in the zone.

In regards to the Columbian Rocks that got this question I have no idea. I was thinking what is really wrong with this line. Is it the males length of back or tails not fully furnished that is a concern. It seems the females look well with length of body.


I wish we could line five or six of each of them up side ways and look at them with a shot from the rear to be able to see the lenth of body and they tail angle is it a T Pee or is it pinched.

I am going to contact Mike Michaels who wrote the article on how to Breed this color pattern and talk to him about it. He did write me one tme telling me how he would go about working with this strain from Canada and how he would go about it.

I think they are right on market for type. There is about two more years to fix type faults from the Brahma and rock cross. bob
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Thanks, Bob!

Quote: Truthfully, my birds probably don't HAVE to be supplemented, but if I do, I know they have suitable grit available. Our soil and creekbed is sandy and I just want to assure myself that they have some rough stone available. Overkill on my part, I'm betting, but it makes me feel better. I don't know if the other ladies' birds are free ranged.
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