Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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The bar of slate I was discussing earlier in the thread, found on the backs of Buckeyes. (Note this is from a Gilbert cockerel, Bob and I swap birds back and forth every couple of years, this breeding was from birds Bob got from me several years ago, in a pen with one of Chris McCary's hens.)

If I may interrupt the discussion to ask a question ---- How long should it take to process an order for the APA Standard? I sent a check by snail mail last Monday and the check hasn't hit the bank yet. Do they do batch orders? And what is the postage --- book rate or first class?

Thank yous to anyone who can provide some info.

Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion.
Evening all,

I need some breeding advise PLEASE

For those of you who don't know me, I breed Standard Columbian Plymouth Rocks

I was looking over my 2013 pullets to determine who/which ones to keep. I have kept 2 hens from 2012 hatch (2013 breeders). My plans were to keep the 2 older hens and breed them back to a son in 2014, and breed the pullets back to their sire.

My quandary is pullets are MUCH better than the 2 hens in type and color (much better tails, long backs, great front ends), and the 2 hens were the best I had from last yr.

Do I get rid of the older hens and keep only the improved pullets or do I stay with my plan even though the pullets are better than their mothers?

Any and all advise would be greatly appreciated!


I would like to know the correct terminology for the feather pictured below. There is a small feather growing from the same shaft as the larger feather. My H RIR is 19 weeks old and I found these feathers today. Do all breeds have this characteristic? Thank you.
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