Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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For the first week of their life my chicks are on crooked toes......ever. The original story about newspaper is that it caused spraddled legs which makes a lot more sense than crooked toes, but neither happens and I have been doing it this way for 50 years. Over the years I have had crooked toes, but not because of the brooder substrate. Folks use a lot of excuses to explain away crooked toes and they make believable story's but..........


I use paper towels for the first week or so and then pine shavings. One crooked tow this year. None last year.
Any breeders let broodies hatch and raise their chicks ... ? Any breeders letting broodies hatch and raise chicks in with a "production" flock?

Besides it being easier on *me,* the broody hatched and raised chicks are just so marvelously active and independent from such an early age. I couldn't do better myself.
Any breeders let broodies hatch and raise their chicks ... ? Any breeders letting broodies hatch and raise chicks in with a "production" flock?

Besides it being easier on *me,* the broody hatched and raised chicks are just so marvelously active and independent from such an early age. I couldn't do better myself.
I let broodies hatch and raise some breeds of chicks.

Bill, sorry to hear about those feisty gamebird hens thinking your skin was a nice protein treat for them during their stay. I'm glad you met up with Barb & had time to chat. Hmmm...I wonder if the president of the Giant club had anything at the show (he lives up that way)? Did you happend to see any nice Black Giants while judging the Americans?

There was one White Giant [that wasn't Giant at all] & no Blacks.If the Giant Club has the same President he did a few years back I haven't seen him at a show up here in quite some time.
How do you determine which breeds? Why not the others? How does your success compare between human hatched/raised and hen hatched/raised?
I have some breeds that hatch better under hens and when hen raises chicks they are generally a cut above what I get out of an incubator....... other than the disease resistance I can't explain why that is. Nothing beats a good momma for hatching and raising.

I have to use an incubator because of the numbers I need, as in Cornish. I don't hatch many white Leghorn bantams as the quality level of those are so high now that 15-20 will supply me with competitive birds. The Cornish are a different story. When you have good ones they are hard to hatch. They are not a beginner bird in my opinion. Each breed has it's challenges and you learn how to deal with those challenges........a lot of it is trial and error. How I do things here may not work at your place. There are tons of variables in this hobby.

Hello, all!

I was wondering if anyone would take time to educate me on the term "pinched tail." I want to know if the pinching (vertically) makes the tail skinny and pointed, or if the pinching (horizontally) makes it fanned out but flat like a pancake with no gap between the two halves?

Illustrations would be great!
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Pinched tails can and does refer to both planes of geometry.

The Standard has great drawings of these faults and really helps to demonstrate them.
Beyond the standard for each breed, the Book, the Standard of Perfection has an awesome opening section of over 40 pages that is the bible on chicken formation.

Nice job !!!!! Like to see more photos.

No problem, Here are a few more..I lost my camera for a while but got right around where judges wernt working. I met blarneyseggs , her kids were doing showmanship..shes a sweet person..and the kids had a good time..Met Matt and his family, and Deric, and many more..

the judges opened the door to get a close in the daylight look at colors

My White orp K


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