Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Thanks everyone for all your help! I Do have several kinds of plastic tubs that I have been using just some that we picked up at the dollar tree. My turkey love to flip them over and stand on them and break them. All my buckets are in the shade to help keep down on the alge. I will order some of the fortex pans and see if I can't get them broke in and try some apple cider vinegar to see if that will help get the bad taste out quicker. Any bucket that will last 40 + years is a good investment! I will probably also get some deicers to drop in the buckets I found some online 1/2 price.
Had an excellent afternoon of selecting Ancona pullets with friend and APA judge Brian Knox. It's a great time, and it's great to have a lot of birds from which to select. Keeping good records is key. Then the birds can be lines up and bunched by ages and like can be compared to like.

Had an excellent afternoon of selecting Ancona pullets with friend and APA judge Brian Knox. It's a great time, and it's great to have a lot of birds from which to select. Keeping good records is key. Then the birds can be lines up and bunched by ages and like can be compared to like.

I didn't think anybody in their right mind had as many show coops as I do. I stand corrected !
Right mind?? You're so funny....
On a serious note, though, as I'm sure you will support, it really does make a big difference in going over everything, i.e. to be able to look at them all, study them, group them, etc...
On a serious note, though, as I'm sure you will support, it really does make a big difference in going over everything, i.e. to be able to look at them all, study them, group them, etc...
I'm kicking myself about giving about 30 holes away to a club here now. Nothing compares to being able to compare a captive line up.Give me a comfy chair , and a martini, and I can sort through 'em. It's amazing what you'll see, spending an hour, or so, with a line up of birds.
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Well, as my pops would say, "God will bless you for it."

Yes, grouping in rows by age and pairings is rather neat, and it allows one to be able to see everything clearly. One can consider them long enough to actually make important, careful comparisons, and then appropriate culling/promoting decisions.
The Fortex pan I bought a few months ago is flimsier than the ones I bought a couple of years earlier. They are the same height and diameter, but the wall thickness of the new one is noticeably thinner. It's harder to move when it's full because it tends to fold in on itself some when I pick it up. The first ones I got did not do that. I keep all my waterers out of the sun in the summer. Everything grows crud in the sun. The Fortex pans are easier to clean than the galvanized founts. I use both in the summer. The chickens prefer the water in the pans most of the time. If my pans last 40 years they will probably have outlived me :)

Had an excellent afternoon of selecting Ancona pullets with friend and APA judge Brian Knox. It's a great time, and it's great to have a lot of birds from which to select. Keeping good records is key. Then the birds can be lines up and bunched by ages and like can be compared to like.

OMG. This is what you actually do? I'm glad you posted this picture and I am sure it is great fun. I'm just cracking up. I'm sitting in my folding chair with a beer in the middle of 8,000 square feet of free range, trying to look at the RIR mixed in with the other birds from last year, trying to make a decision and of course their heads are down most of time because they are feeding etc. Thankfully my analysis is a lot more basic than what yours appears to be. Great Picture.
OMG. This is what you actually do? I'm glad you posted this picture and I am sure it is great fun. I'm just cracking up. I'm sitting in my folding chair with a beer in the middle of 8,000 square feet of free range, trying to look at the RIR mixed in with the other birds from last year, trying to make a decision and of course their heads are down most of time because they are feeding etc. Thankfully my analysis is a lot more basic than what yours appears to be. Great Picture.

This is what we all do that are serious about raising birds to the Standard.
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