Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Not a problem. 3broken vertabrae in my back make bending not a good thing. I've been living with that for45 years, but "Uncle Artheritis" has moved in.The docs have been wanting to invade for 25 years, but I'm still truckin.

I am very sorry to hear about the back and artheritis problems. It amazes me that you are so very active even though it must be very uncomfortable at times to do all the things that you do. Fine example of: "love of chickens has no boundaries"..

Crawling around to round up birds is vastly over rated !

No kidding. All but one of our housing units are tall enough to stand up in. Made one run short with a hinged top thinking we would just lift the tops up when we wanted to get in there.....tops are too heavy and can't hold things very well and still lift the tops. Am now looking at raising the top off into a peak so we can stand up in there. I hate that run so much. It's just miserable to have to stoop to do anything in there. It has cost us more to make coops/runs that are tall enough for us to get into, but it's a whole lot more comfortable.
Yes, I am going to the National to meet another breeder. Am taking some of my birds, can bring the others. Price is 30.00 each for the 5 pullets. Or as many as you are interested in. That's less than it cost me to raise them for 6 months. They have never been sick. I will worm them and have the flock re-NPIP'ed before the National. I will be there the 1st day, then headed home. Not staying over as older son and his wife are passing thru our town for a visit that weekend and we want to get together. Always a fun time. I do ship. Not a problem. Have shipped birds all over the nation with no problems. Shipping , with the box, will be about 75.-100.. for 3 pullets. Might be easier to meet me at National. Your choice.
Food for thought,

I will be attending the National IF my carpenter brother has completed my chicken coop. I will be in touch with you closer to the date. Otherwise, we can work out shipping details.

I'm with you Walt. Darned if I want to play Quasi Moto ! Something all you younger people need to think about. It's important to have accessible coops and runs.

I have to admit that I was one of the idiots that did not make mine tall enough. I used scraps from a couple projects and sized everything accordingly. Particularly, I used shoring from a very large under ground, traffic rated cistern that I built. We had to cut the shoring in lengths to get it back out. If I could go back in time, I would have spent a little money and built all of my enclosures taller.
Everything is fine now, but I am not getting younger. Years of abusing my back is going to make me regret how I have mine put together. Bending over to clean out will not be fun. So the reason that I am commenting is so that anyone starting out thinks about this. Even if you are young, think about when you are not. Build the enclosures a little taller, and make the doors a little wider.
Thanks for all the pics and feedback about the breeding pens.
New pens will be built this weekend and if anyone is curious I will take pics as we go.
I need 4 new ones for pairs breeding, so I believe the overall size will be 6x12 divided into 4 pens.,.
that will make each pen 3x6.
It will be 5' on the front and 4' on the back... similar to Chris's design, but with 2x4's and not near as fancy.
We have extra metal roofing around the farm here, so a metal roof will be easy.

My challenge has been in designing something versatile for various needs and various seasons.
We get so hot here in the summer than I wanted something with good air flow that I could use for roosters or grow out pens if I wanted.
In the winter we are pretty mild, but still need to provide wind breaks on several sides, so I will likely do something removable.

Flip down flaps in the back will access both nesting boxes and feeders, waterers will be on the front with chicken nipples like I use on my portable tractor for grow out when I don't want all the cockerels free ranging with my hens.
I am very sorry to hear about the back and artheritis problems. It amazes me that you are so very active even though it must be very uncomfortable at times to do all the things that you do. Fine example of: "love of chickens has no boundaries"..


Thanks Lual. It was my love of horses that got me into this mess . A clumsy one cartwheeled on me fox hunting in England when I was 19. I finally hung up my tack 10 years ago.The birds keep me busy so i don't RUST !
I have to admit that I was one of the idiots that did not make mine tall enough. I used scraps from a couple projects and sized everything accordingly. Particularly, I used shoring from a very large under ground, traffic rated cistern that I built. We had to cut the shoring in lengths to get it back out. If I could go back in time, I would have spent a little money and built all of my enclosures taller.
Everything is fine now, but I am not getting younger. Years of abusing my back is going to make me regret how I have mine put together. Bending over to clean out will not be fun. So the reason that I am commenting is so that anyone starting out thinks about this. Even if you are young, think about when you are not. Build the enclosures a little taller, and make the doors a little wider.

Hey George. Come and see my 2 new runs . I finally built the boys their own stalag.
Are you building them yourself? I am pretty handy. Perhaps we can do some work swaps and help each other build coops. Got tools, will travel

i will undoubtedly be assisting, but a friend who's a contractor will be doing the bulk of the work... but also happy to help others! and mine are all 6' or higher inside -- agree with everyone else that accessibility is key!!
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