Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Evening everyone,

I've been reading some of my past posts here on this thread and I feel that I must apologise for many of them in the mid-part of the thread; Particularly to Saladin & a few others.

Anyway; Nice Dominiques, John. Sorry that you were disappointed with the others.

My Buckeye chicks are doing well; still unsure of genders. I only got a couple this year. I hope to raise many, many more next year.

I had contacted him prior to my postings. No one asked me that, but yes I did contact him and no he was not ready to correct the problem. I just wanted to know if anyone else had the same problems this year or if we were the only ones. I am only being open and honest about the quality we received - just like so many have done on here before when getting birds from other hatcheries. If we happened to just get a bad hatch, that would influence our decision on if we should keep the few remaining birds and breed them in their own pen.
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What did the breeder actually say to you? I find it hard to believe he would not stand by the quality of his stock. And fwiw, he's not a hatchery, he's a longtime, master breeder who has been working with poultry for over 50 years. Big difference between a hatchery and a breeder (even one who works with many breeds.)
Are you still doing LF or did you indeed switch to buckeye bantams?


I was going to do Bantam Buckeyes with my LF Barred Rocks, but the Buckeyes won me over. Too nice a breed to let go. My favorite.

I completely and respectfully disagree. I am not a hatchery! But I have hatched and shipped almost 500 chicks this year. But that doesn't make me a hatchery, far from it!

Breeders work to breed to the Standard, cull heavily those birds that do not match the Standard, and often, (but not always) show their birds.

Hatcheries do not generally go out of their way to breed to the Standard, do not make a dedicated attempt to cull birds that do not match the Standard, and generally do not show their own birds.

No one is saying a given breeder should be immune from scrutiny. But the rules of this forum preclude mentioning business disputes with others using their name. And to do so in such a public forum is, in my opinion, very bad form (aside from being against forum rules.)

Your logic is fallacious. Not the same at all, apples and oranges. A private person is not a corporation, nor are chickens something that can be compared to tainted food.

My main point here is, a person's reputation is something that they can take years to build. And with the advent of Internet forums such as this, a sterling reputation can be badly sullied in the space of one irritable post. Once that has happened, there's no going back.

So I will ask again, before any of you consider posting unhappy messages about business done with someone, please contact the breeder in question and try to work it out. And even if you cannot do so, posting specifics here is in violation of forum rules, and should not be done.
I completely and respectfully disagree. I am not a hatchery! But I have hatched and shipped almost 500 chicks this year. But that doesn't make me a hatchery, far from it!

Breeders work to breed to the Standard, cull heavily those birds that do not match the Standard, and often, (but not always) show their birds.

Hatcheries do not generally go out of their way to breed to the Standard, do not make a dedicated attempt to cull birds that do not match the Standard, and generally do not show their own birds.

No one is saying a given breeder should be immune from scrutiny. But the rules of this forum preclude mentioning business disputes with others using their name. And to do so in such a public forum is, in my opinion, very bad form (aside from being against forum rules.)

Your logic is fallacious. Not the same at all, apples and oranges. A private person is not a corporation, nor are chickens something that can be compared to tainted food.

My main point here is, a person's reputation is something that they can take years to build. And with the advent of Internet forums such as this, a sterling reputation can be badly sullied in the space of one irritable post. Once that has happened, there's no going back.

So I will ask again, before any of you consider posting unhappy messages about business done with someone, please contact the breeder in question and try to work it out. And even if you cannot do so, posting specifics here is in violation of forum rules, and should not be done.

Why don't we leave it at that. I would hate, hate to see this thread get locked. It is one of the most educational threads on this site.
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