Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Put me on the list for eggs?


Of course, which breed?

Maybe both if I can afford them! Also, do you have any Sussex eggs for sell?

Technically, no. The new colors of Brahmas were created with heritage Brahmas, yes, but not only is it a brand spankin' new color that is yet to be recognized (and proper in most birds) but most of what is behind them are other breeds, such as Cornish, Wyandotte, etc.
So at least in my opinion, no.

Beautiful birds regardless.

Ok thanks for the clarification, but my other two are considered heritage correct? silver penciled plymouth rock and mille fleur leghorns?

They are all considered to be "heritage" breeds. . .
Ok thanks for the clarification, but my other two are considered heritage correct? silver penciled plymouth rock and mille fleur leghorns?

They are all considered to be "heritage" breeds. . .

The "breed," may be considered heritage, but I don't think every "variety" is considered heritage. I agree with Illia.
Another example would be Lavenders of any breed.
They are all considered to be "heritage" breeds. . .

The "breed," may be considered heritage, but I don't think every "variety" is considered heritage. I agree with Illia.
Another example would be Lavenders of any breed.

So, from what you're saying, they are a "heritage" breed, but not a "heritage" variety. . . So they're "heritage", but they're not? Does that make sense when you think about it?
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The "breed," may be considered heritage, but I don't think every "variety" is considered heritage. I agree with Illia.
Another example would be Lavenders of any breed.

So, from what you're saying, they are a "heritage" breed, but not a "heritage" variety. . . So they're "heritage", but they're not? Does that make sense when you think about it?

Hmmm, thought provoking, isn't it?
Just like the whole, "what is heritage poultry," subject, it is simply each person's opinion. There is no written law yet. To each his own (opinion)!
At least for me, I take the ALBC's definition of heritage into account. Part of that is the parents and further lineage being bred to the standard, and follow the standard well themselves, and are also purebred. Those birds do not follow that requirement.

So like said, it is a matter of opinion.

Apparently some people think a hatchery Barred Rock is heritage because the claimed breed is in fact accepted before the 60's.
I've been debating over a couple of cockerels, and took a bunch of pics to get your opinion. That is until I saw this pic. Not much question espically after the comments about needing more body length in the Good Sheperd line! :


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