Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Sorry for the confusion Walt, but I was responding to "Catdaddy" (Jeff) regarding his German bloodline of New Hampshires. He has a great cockerel with short shanks. Bob's bird is knock kneed.

Maybe for Bob's hen, I would make super sure that the male I use her with is nice and wide and that he came from a hen (and the entire family line) who was nice and wide too and who also had great laying/abdominal capacity! Several people have told me that the male will pass his traits to his daughters and that the female will pass to the sons so if I use a female with a fault or disqualification, to just cull all of her sons. I haven't seen this to be an absolute rule. They seem to me to be just about equal. I have a nice large rooster with great abdominal capacity (rare in an Andalusian - in mine anyway) who when he was very young had one point on his comb that was a split point... at least it looked like one to me. I kept him because of his depth and as he matured, the split point deepened and at adulthood, looks almost like two normal points. You'd have to know it was there to notice it at all. Anyway, mating him to a female who's family had no such point issues to try and keep it from passing on, gave me some very nice chicks. The oldest male of the chicks, and the only one of them all, has a split point, like his daddy did. So, it isn't black and white as to who passes to whom.

Just returned from a trip and was trying to read and post quickly to catch up. Ended up with the correct info in the wrong spot. I have always bred to extremes to arrive at the correct spot.....without regard to the sex I might add. I don't buy the use a male for this and a female for that. It has not proved to be true in my matings...unless it is a sex linked trait. You are lucky ot have an Andalusion with good width between the legs. I don't see that often. andalusians and Minorcas these days seem to have their legs very close together. I don't know why some judges don't see that. Don't worry about the points on a comb unless there is a DQ there. The whole comb on a single comb is only 5 points.........rosecombs are a different matter though.

I had absolutly no idea you had that many..In my mind I thought you were taking it a little easy..with all of the traveling and all to to see some of these marvelous birds..your too modest..let us go ooooo, ahhhhh over them.tour de Walts and wear the red hat..

Lord look at us Walt ., we throw our faults around like nothing..from wrong colors to this and that flaw, plymoth rock masqurading as white orps and i had blk orp hens with spurs, we let it all hang out in here..

we need to see the top show birdys so we can see what were shooting for..most of us are smart enough to not assume too much Mine arnt going to compare to yours... Im so into showing too..and I dont care what happens It only ramps me up to do better, and more and more..I dont have any illusions either, i know exactly what I have and it has changed little by little over the years, .like the spurred blk hens I had long time ago..very coarse birds..correct but coarse...used them to extent.because there were some really good things in there. but freedome from coarseness means just that..they went long time ago.. i know that I need some advise on this and an earful about things from a show person about a week ago, dont do this, dont do that, do was very interesting and I listened to this old timer whos been around the block more than a few times..took it in like a sponge...he was talking about my aussies, he said dont be messing around with these color aussies. get out, stay out, you'll never beat a really good black with those color birds, one off feather throw you that guy..and it costs as much to feed a good bird as it does to feed a bad one ect.. ect..have to say these blk orps stopped him in his tracks..he said no way around it, they are good birds...he checked them out for a long time.. we need more of these old timers out there like him....loose the ego and help the kids and newbies..or some of these will be extinct..

insecurity causes people to assume they have better than they do..i dont have any insecurities, just brutal realistic pictures of where I am and where Im going..insecure people need to hash it over all the time..i try it, if it works , keep that info..if it doesnt, toss it..

By the way , You like the orp hock showing so I did a this hocks for you pic somewhere in here..sometimes I say things leads you to assume I dont have that sort of thong going on, but I do..told ya I listen..

here it is

I will be 74 in Oct. People tell me to make sure I keep busy in retirement. If I was any busier I don't know how I could handle it. I do the poultry shows from Sept to March. In March I start the racing season and spend most of my time playing with the race car. I race at least twice a month from March to Nov. Most of the birds I am showing now are bantams or waterfowl. I enjoy the waterfowl cuz they make me laugh, but mostly because it is harder to win a show with waterfowl than it is with a chicken. I enjoy all kinds of competition, but prefer competing with the best and strongest competition I can find. My mantra is: "create birds that are so good that no one can buy a bird to beat you". see that I am a competitive competitive that I start laughing when I pass a young guy on the outside of a turn because they thought no old guy is going to do that to them......hahahah.

Here is what I have found about showing birds. If the competition is strong, the exhibitors that know breeding will bring the quality level up of any breed they are showing. It is good for the hobby and it is good for the breed. Find every old timer you can that is not senile yet and pick their brain cuz they generally know more than the average person and usually enjoy sharing that knowledge. Keep in mind that we also usually have strong opinions and that they may not be correct.
I don't consider myself modest, but I don't have to throw around what I have accomplished. If anyone is interested it is in the record books.

It is not that I like to see the hocks in an is what the SOP says.

This is an ancient web site and needs to be updated, but here are some of the birds I showed several years ago.

An O Shamo cockerel

White leghorn cockerels.

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I hear you Walt. I've been thinking about going back to work so I can get some rest. I've never been as busy as I am now that I'm retired. Between the birds, my gardens, the Fair season has started here & I'm judging at least once a week 'till November, Court has been very busy recently & it's Sports Car season here in the North East. Roll it all together & I never seem to stop going. My wife complains that I'm never home, at least I think it's a complaint.
Does anyone have any great pictures of Orloffs that are true to the old standards/type? I am seeing a lot without good spangling and others with feathered shanks etc.

Also looking for written standards or information about them. Going to the UK site but it would be nice to know what is here.

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Looking good - and big, Medo!

We just changed out spiral rings on our month and a half old black Javas again - they are now up to a size 10 for it to still be a bit loose on their legs. We didn't band the other group, so I wasn't prepared for those big legs to get big so quickly.
Quote: When you have faults like maybe short shanks you must breed him to a female that has normal length of body and normal station and or leg lenth. Any chick that you hatch from him with short shanks must be culled. If you do this I think you will be all right. Also, you may in the future get some Hamps from a friend that are related that are normal and can cross onto this line to help you out. I saw some killers a few weeks ago at Matt 1616 house. They are so stunning its like looking at Golden Pheasants rather than chickens.

Its it nice to have such pretty chickens? Dont you miss those Hatchery Chickens ?

I wish I had some Cherry Eggers but just dont have room but worse than that Feed prices are sure to go up who can afford to raise ugly chickens. O bob shut your mouth you may offend someone who likes those .

I got a call last night from a guy in Illinois who got two Rhode Island Red hens from Chamness and mated him to a killer male who will be in the poultry press the next issue. I thought these birds where inbreed to death. He go 47 chicks out of these two hens. Almost every chick hatched. He wants to get some of the half and half Mohawks to cross onto them. Sounds like to me he is Blessed to have such high egg production and hatch ability.

Well got to work on some pens and make room for the new cockerels for show season. Nice to see the pictures and the White Orps nice to see. Funny thing that one White Female sure has nice feather quality I guess she has not come from England lately.
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wonderful birds..had no idea you find time to race cars too! strong opinions are welcome, its the people who are not making any fans for themselves or their birds almost like they are in a manic state of some strange need to drive people away not in..some of these birds are in a sad state of decline..say i want a good cornish, and sort of say that to somone supposedly has some good ones, rather than that person saying , i will get you some hatching eggs, they say well you cant hatch shipped eggs ( thou dont tell anybody in this house cause every bird here came throu egg in mail) and then starts taunting you about how unimaginably wonderful their birds are but you cant have a weird world.then when those birds hit the critical list in 20 years or so, they will say, how did that happen? to which i would say, go look in the mirror..this happened to australotps, still a few good ones kicking around out there..but was on endangered list..too many people trying to chase too many peope out, you can get hatchery re creations easy, but most of the old lines are one promoting either..
I will be 74 in Oct. People tell me to make sure I keep busy in retirement. If I was any busier I don't know how I could handle it. I do the poultry shows from Sept to March. In March I start the racing season and spend most of my time playing with the race car. I race at least twice a month from March to Nov. Most of the birds I am showing now are bantams or waterfowl. I enjoy the waterfowl cuz they make me laugh, but mostly because it is harder to win a show with waterfowl than it is with a chicken. I enjoy all kinds of competition, but prefer competing with the best and strongest competition I can find. My mantra is: "create birds that are so good that no one can buy a bird to beat you". see that I am a competitive competitive that I start laughing when I pass a young guy on the outside of a turn because they thought no old guy is going to do that to them......hahahah.

Here is what I have found about showing birds. If the competition is strong, the exhibitors that know breeding will bring the quality level up of any breed they are showing. It is good for the hobby and it is good for the breed. Find every old timer you can that is not senile yet and pick their brain cuz they generally know more than the average person and usually enjoy sharing that knowledge. Keep in mind that we also usually have strong opinions and that they may not be correct.
I don't consider myself modest, but I don't have to throw around what I have accomplished. If anyone is interested it is in the record books.

It is not that I like to see the hocks in an is what the SOP says.

This is an ancient web site and needs to be updated, but here are some of the birds I showed several years ago.

An O Shamo cockerel

White leghorn cockerels.

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