Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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The rooster condos are 3 x 5 right now but I plan to make then 3 x 3 once I get a sec to make new doors. I have three of these...

Hope that helps.


I'm sorry, the over all size is 3 x 10 divided into 2 sections

great coops, Chris! with the sides made of wire, do you have any issues with frostbite in the winter?
great coops, Chris! with the sides made of wire, do you have any issues with frostbite in the winter?

I have not had any problems with frostbite but I live in South Louisiana so extreme cold is not an issue. We have a bigger problem with heat in the Summer months down here. I also cut out plywood sides to screw on over the wire when it starts to get a little cold down here to keep the wind off of them. I'll do the same with my breeding pens witch is all wire...


Another Idea on the covering of the wire sides for the cold spells (which are usually short and sweet here in the deep south as Chris knows all well)LOL is to staple viscuine or what I do is cut those seemingly everlasting plastic feed sacks up and use them as a tarp-like pieces and staple them to the sides and this is easily done in seconds and easily removed rather quickly for the warm days, and too, also one could permanently attach the top and roll them up and secure them when not in use and roll them down and fasten them when needed. Just a few helpful hints. Most of all my pens, coops, barn, and hen houses are completely open or 3/4 open sided too as Chris mentioned the heat is more of a concern than the cold here they (chickens) can pretty much handle the cold temps here all but windy and cold wet rain.

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Wow! Very nice coops! Gives me ideas too... and my husband would roll his eyes here!
He already believes I have "Sarah Winchester Disease"

I have not had any problems with frostbite but I live in South Louisiana so extreme cold is not an issue. We have a bigger problem with heat in the Summer months down here. I also cut out plywood sides to screw on over the wire when it starts to get a little cold down here to keep the wind off of them. I'll do the same with my breeding pens witch is all wire...


What size are the breeding pens?Thanks
Because of my post I am getting flooded with people wanting hatching eggs? Walt isn't this normal of the mind set. But they cant get over why they look different than the ones they buy at the feed store. If you go to and type in Rhode Island Red Chickens you will see at least 500 pictures pop up. About 25 of them are the Correct Rhode Island Reds and 2/3 of them are Red Bantams. Why is it a person can except that Red Bantams are dark feathered, but large fowl are suppose to look like a Red Bay horse in color.

We just don't get no Respect. Lets face it the Production Red has and always will steel the thunder of the Rhode Island Red true to breed bird.

Any way we are slowly coming back and promoting the breed which is still rare to find. Do your home work and you wont find these on E bay.


I'm new to chickens and Heritage fowl. Can you clarify what the proper color of a RIR is supposed to be? Are you saying that most birds are lighter than what they should be? Or are you saying that bantam RIR and LF RIR are supposed to be different colors? I thought red bay was kind of a dark color. Is that right?


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