
Congratulations! Dead cats eat no birds! Good on you for checking into your rights with the appropriate local authority before shooting. Too small for a rug, (bobcat =not a cougar) but you could make some really nice slippers or a seat cover with that hide...
Congratulations! Dead cats eat no birds! Good on you for checking into your rights with the appropriate local authority before shooting. Too small for a rug, (bobcat =not a cougar) but you could make some really nice slippers or a seat cover with that hide...
I gave it to a friend but we have cougars out here too.If I catch one I will call the game warden to come remove it DEAD or Alive
I had over a dozen birds killed by a bobcat. It dug under a fence. I now have electric wire around all of my coops and pens. Recently a coyote tried to dig under a fence but got zapped by the electric wire and abandoned the attempt. If I get a shot at it, it will be history.

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