Bobwhite Quail Hatching Question


5 Years
Jul 27, 2017
Warrens WI
Okay so this is my first batch of quail and I decided to get bobwhite quail which from further reading sounds like one of the more difficult varieties to hatch, Ect. Yesterday was "Hatch Day" and almost everyone piped. But 24 hours later no one has hatched yet... Is this normal? I've hatched lots of chicks and have had them take 30 minutes or 36 hours but I for some reason thought quail hatched faster. I guess I have first time quail jitters! Sure would be a great b-day present if they all hatched today!
Thank you for any advice:D
Incubator temp 99F-100F
Humidity 69%
Okay so this is my first batch of quail and I decided to get bobwhite quail which from further reading sounds like one of the more difficult varieties to hatch, Ect. Yesterday was "Hatch Day" and almost everyone piped. But 24 hours later no one has hatched yet... Is this normal? I've hatched lots of chicks and have had them take 30 minutes or 36 hours but I for some reason thought quail hatched faster. I guess I have first time quail jitters! Sure would be a great b-day present if they all hatched today!
Thank you for any advice:D
Incubator temp 99F-100F
Humidity 69%

All of mine pipped on day 21 but didn’t hatch until day 23 and everyone hatched without a problem. I find quail eggs pip early (usually 24-48 hours before hatching or even up to 72 hours). It must be because the eggs are so small so they need to get more oxygen sooner.
Whew thank you! That isn't mentioned anywhere that I read. thank you! thank you!

Just checked on them and this is what I found.


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Today is day 22 on my bobwhites and 8 hatched today so far. 2 hatches ago they started on day 20 and last one on day 24. Like Albinosilver said can see a pipe start but can take day or so. Last batch had 2 complete pipe cap and didn’t hatch. After 8 hatches this season started letting nature take its course.
Sold 100 to rancher yesterday and loved watching the release. I saw them hatch and now they are free to roam at 4-5 weeks old.
Yes I have permit and gave them plenty of grass, bugs, cucumbers, leaves, etc. so they know what to look for in wild.
Thank you Danny C!

5 hatched this morning and another one just now. Hoping the other that are piped will hatch.
bbe sure the humidity stays high and and dont try to take them out of the bator onesy twosey. wat till theres a lull in th hatches or you will let the moisture get out and sufficate the late hatches. they can stay in the bator for 12 hours or a little more before removal. i put in a wet WARM sponge when i open to get the humidity back up

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