Boilers feed consumption


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
SE Iowa
I have RIR's for laying and they have food out for them at all times.

Now I'm going to be getting some Broilers for meat birds and i was wondering if anyone knows a guesstimate of how much each bird will consume in a 7-8 week period or by week or by day. They will be in different housing and feeding than my RIR's, so i can keep a better log of food consumption.

Also i was wondering and its just nice to know what other people are selling their birds for butchered and how much for non-butchered.

Also what feed do you use? I'm going to feed them a meat bird feed and scratch, but just wondering if i should add something to help them gain weight properly.

I was also wondering about feed method's like fermented or any other that might be wise to look into, I have only used dry feed with my birds but I am always looking for other ways.

Thanks any help or advice is always welcome
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