Bonded Male Pekins


Apr 9, 2023
Hi all,

I have two male Pekin ducks. They were in an assorted bin at tractor supply and I didn’t even know what breed let alone gender they were when I picked them up. They get along great right now, and are bonded with each other. One had a niacin deficiency so I had him to the vet and he had his last recheck today. He’s 8 weeks so the vet was quite sure he and his brother are male and asked if they got along, as they can get territorial. If it’s just them, with no females, can they live comfortably together? Or will they start fighting in the future? What can I do to make sure everyone’s comfy and happy?
If you have no females I’d say they should be fine. People keep all male flocks.

Unfortunately we have a terrible ratio 3 males/1 female. 2 of our males live together and in another house/run are the pair. The only issues we really have are when one of other males walks near the fence line of the pair. (And that’s more because one of our males has neuro issues and gets picked on. The other male that he loves with acts like a helper duck)
I had two rescued pekin drakes last year. They were tightly bonded and had clearly been brooded together. Initially, one bullied the other -- pulled out feathers along the side of his face and down his neck. I sent him to live with my son's pekin females, and brought my son's pekin drake over on vacation to my back garden. After 4 months, my son wanted his drake back so we brought the previous bully back. He was see no touch for a while and yet it was clear that he and his brooder mate knew each other as they hung around together all day on each side of the pen divide. I let them get back together. Previous bully did try and exclude his clutchmate from the pool [his favorite trick before his departure] but the one who had remained with me wasn't having anyone coming in and keeping him from "his" pool. There were no further issues, once the previously bullied duck stood up for himself.


This is the two boys at the end of December, just before they went to their new adoptive home.

I think your ducks will likely be close buddies for life. Should there be any pecking order issues when they get their spring hormone surges next year, just separate them for a while and it should settle down.
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