

In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
South Louisiana
Chicken newbie. I'm Chelsi from deep south Louisiana. My babies are 16 weeks old. I love watching them. I know my neighbors are green with envy.. maybe not. Lol
Still trying to determine if I have hens or not.
Hi :welcome Chelsi

Glad you could join the flock! Lovely to hear you are enjoying your chicken adventures. I too love watching mine go about their chicken business. I see you have posted in the what breed gender section, I'm sure other members will be able to help determine gender of your chickens.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Bonjour Chelsi, very nice to meet you. Hope your flock turns out to be the gender you want.
Hi Chelsi, welcome to BYC!

We have a mixed flock of 12 chickens and usually get between 9 and 11 eggs per day. It fluctuates some, but usually around those numbers. The number you get can vary quite a bit depending on things like breed, age, broodiness, stress, hours of daylight, etc.

Good luck with your flock, nice to have you here!

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