Bored chickens.


7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
I find when my girls get bored, they get loud. I've given them scraps everyday, and now I'm giving them seed blocks designed for wild birds. I hope it's safe for them, the loooove jumping for it
You should try hanging up pieces of celery,cauliflower and brocolli, just high enough that they have to jump up to peck at it so they can't eat all of it in one go. You should also try hanging up a bone with some meat on it. They'll really enjoy those treats!
I'd agree that hanging up some veggies would be good for them, but as a word of caution be VERY careful how you hang it. We did this last weekend with some kitchen string and despite a tight tie, they somehow got it loose and one of our chickens ate approximately 2 feet of string. We couldn't pull it out and so actually had to have the poultry vet cut her crop open to try to get it out. That failed, and so we are now waiting to see if she can break it down and poop it out or if it will kill her. I'm sick about it. I figure if others can learn from our mistake, maybe it won't be for naught.

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