Borrowing a rooster?


8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Northern Idaho
Would it be possible to borrow a rooster for a month to fertilize my girls for chicks? Or would it be to stressful to only have a roo for a short time? How long does it take for a hen to get comfy with a roo to let him do his business? How long after mating is a hen fertile for? Sorry for all the questions. I dont have a roo. I live within city limits and can have chickens and I dont see where I cant have a roo but my hubby would rather me not. But I am sure he would let me "borrow" one for a short time.
Borrowing a rooster may infect your existing flock with a disease. Mating takes about 2 seconds and the pair need little introduction.

Your safest best would be to buy fertile eggs once you have a broody sitting on a nest. That way you don't risk irritating a neighbor with 4 am crowing. Start looking for eggs now so the seller will be aware of your egg needs.

Good luck!
I have thought about that. Not sure how to go about finding fertile eggs around here. I havent seen any offered on CL. I am in rural northern Idaho. Maybe I will just place an ad down at the store, "looking for fertile eggs". =) Thanks.
I know of some breeders that trade around roosters, but they do so only between really good friends. There would be health risks by doing so, but if you are aware of that, and still willing to do it, you could always ask.

My good friend only has chicks produced by my birds. If I wanted to borrow a rooster, I would - knowing full well nothing new has been added. I would not borrow from anyone who brings in adult stock without a quarantine period.

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