Boston poultry expo show in N Oxford Ma Nov 7

ohh noo, so sorry, that is horible,

She was more upset about the Turkey. Course it had to be Diablo, the Tom Turkey she got from Gypsy, she had him so she could go into his pen and pick him up. But she is raising two young ones that hatched late so maybe a little Diablo...

awwww i hope she get s a little Diablo.
hehehe , thats all? lol thats a hike.

I have gone from here to Hartford, CT and back in a day before and that was a little over 5 hours one way.
When one lives so far away from any big cities (not counting Montreal) it is a sacrafice that must be made! All in the name of Chickens

.... maybe the hubby is right, I am a wee bit off my rocker
hehehe , thats all? lol thats a hike.

I have gone from here to Hartford, CT and back in a day before and that was a little over 5 hours one way.
When one lives so far away from any big cities (not counting Montreal) it is a sacrafice that must be made! All in the name of Chickens

.... maybe the hubby is right, I am a wee bit off my rocker

Yes all the name for chickens!

Hope you guys come, it is fun seeing al the different breeds and like poultry run farm said beautiful horses too.
I am thinking of bring my muscovey flock to sell . I have 7 of them 5 females 2 males does anyone think I could sell them as a group?
Where are you located? I know of at least one person looking for scovies. He would probably take the whole lot depending on price.

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