Both feet are turned in, and walking on the ankle bones


Apr 24, 2015
I found a pigeon, and both feet are turned inward. It causes the birds feet to get tangled up with each other. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? The bird is constantly struggling to untangle his feet.
I've got one with feet issues and tried taping them but have to agree, I think it's something that probably needs to be fixed very early while bones etc are still growing.
Bones can be broke n reset, or ankle joints possibly reset with braces that I've done with padding wire and tape over time, but as adult most likely its just gonna cause probs n culling best for bird.
Bones can be broke n reset, or ankle joints possibly reset with braces that I've done with padding wire and tape over time, but as adult most likely its just gonna cause probs n culling best for bird.

Don't suppose you have a photo of your padding and wire setup?
It may be better to take him to a vet. Attempting to reset his legs by putting braces on them may cause him a great amount of pain and not do any good. And please don't think about breaking the bones to reset them!!

The vet may be able to correct the legs. I would suggest if the legs and feet are really deformed its a lot simpler to remove the feet. This sounds drastic, but I have a rescued feral pigeon which has no feet.. only 2 leg stumps. It gets about fine and is really happy. Only thing I had to do for it was to give it wide flat perches, as it could not grip round ones.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and you little friend.

I have about 15 rescued feral birds, some with one leg, one eye, missing feet, crossed beaks, partially missing wings, etc. They are really hardy tough creatures that don't let their disabilities get them depressed... so don't let the vet tell you its best to put the bird to sleep... they always seem to like to suggest this for all wild birds. But if you are willing to care for it for life, then it can have a happy life with you.

Please let us know how it goes.

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