Bought as a RIR. I am SURE he was wrong!!


9 Years
Oct 9, 2010
I got this hen at a local market as a RIR. She's long gone now, so I don't have any more pics then these. She had white earlobes, laid whitish, almost pink eggs, had white skin, some black in the wings and tail and a single comb. She was about the size of a leghorn or thereabouts, and I'm not sure if this helps but quite noisy. She was braver than what I would say is a normal chicken and was never broody.

Here are the pics:






I am guessing she is a mutt, but hoping not as I don't currently have such a beautiful red chicken and am still searching for one.
What kind of breeds could be crossed to produce this hen? I know RIR lay brown eggs and have large combs.....

ETA: I forgot, the eggs were small and only slightly larger than a silkie egg. This could have been due to diet though. She was still on grower, not layer, and mainly free ranged and ate what she could find.
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She has the black tail feathers so not a red sex-link. But if she is from a hatchery more than likley a production red. Should lay you lots of big brown eggs.
I have a hen like this, red with black in her tail and I got her from Anstey hatchery in Saskatoon, SK. She is a Paymaster Red Sussex. She lays a light brown pinky egg and is the meanest hen in the flock. She a duel purpose bird and comes from the mating of Rhode Island Red cockerel and a Columbian Rock pullet.
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Yes, actually
Nothing then though, we only came up with production red, RIR, or New Hampshire....

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