Bourbon Red Turkeys===I'm trying again**DISASTER HIT**

Grampa with chickens

14 Years
Nov 23, 2008
Brooksville, Florida
Hi Folks,
Well as some of you know, my last hatch didn't go so well. I got 2 out of 9 to hatch. I decided it was time to try again. I put 12 in the bator yesterday morning. I hope this one goes better.
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Good luck! I love Red Boubons, although they do like to get into trouble.
Right now the ones I hatched in February are on top of the goat barn and yelling for all the neighborhood to hear.
I hear ya.

I'm eggcited to try again. My first two are growing like weeds and are about to outgrow my brooder. I guess its time to head outside. They are about the size of a full grown chicken, just not as thick. They will enjoy their new home, I just have to get them out there. Work has taken over for the last two weeks and my time is limited. But everybody gets fed and cleaned so that the best you can hope for.

Thanks for the encouragement and I'll keep y'all updated.
Hi Grampa! Can I join you in your turkey hatch? I am setting 12 beltsville small white turkeys tonight. This will be my first time doing turkeys and would love someone to share the experience with.
Okay I picked up my eggs and was actually given a few extra. I set 15 beltsville small white turkeys and 15 Chantecler eggs.

Also grampa, you metioned your last hatch didn't go that well, can you maybe suggest some do's and don'ts for me? Let me know what worked for you!
I would love to share what happened, but I'm not sure what happened. They all developed, but didn't pip. My chickens eggs in thesame batch didn't do to great either. I think I'm going to blame it on temp. Humidity was running 65-75%. I didn't think anything had changed as the hatch before I got great results. Too many factors I guess.

My only advise is leave bator closed for the last 4 days. That was the only difference that i didn't do.
Well Grampa how is it going? I'm a notorious serial candler, I know its not advised but I have had great hatch rates so I don't plan on changing it now.

Yesterday on day 5 I could see that some are developing aloready. Obviously to early to toss out duds but its exciting to now some are developing!
On another note all my Chantecler eggs are developing!

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