Bourbons Red turkeys meat birds

FFA 4-H Raised

In the Brooder
Feb 12, 2015
So I hatched out my first batch of Bourbon Red turkeys today and I was wondering on a few things... When are bourbons sexually mature? at what age should bourbon reds be harvested? And I was thinking on price for dressed birds it will cost me 9 dollars to have the turkeys processed so that will go on top of the price for the turkeys themselves I was thinking about 25 dollars for the bird and then the 9 for processing with make it 34 and suggestions there??? Thanks!!!
If you get a chance, look around to see what others are charging in you area for "heritage" turkeys. You will find that you could double your price and still under cut much of your competition. People (not all) are willing to pay a premium for what you will be offering. When you sell these for Thanksgiving they will be around 8 months old or 9 months for Christmas birds. I know of folks who have eaten them over a year old but how many people will want a turkey after Christmas.

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