Boxers are like pringles... (pic extensive)

I recently got to experiance the boxer breed. My daughter came across one and she knows how I am so she came home to get money from me to buy him from this guy so I could save him.

I got JJ in January of this year he was a rack of bones and had a UTI so bad that he was 2 months on anti's to clear it up. He would not even try to eat food would just want to drink and drink. I had to make him eat before I could give him water and then limit it so he didn't get sick from drinking too much too fast.

He is happy and healty right now and ready for a new home. I would love to keep the big lug but can't due to my health. I have fibro and I also have nerve damage in my left arm from shoulder to finger tips. I am going for a surgery on my right shoulder the end of Oct and my right knee 2 months later. I am heart broken but that is what I do, I get them better and move them on for what it cost me to buy them to begin with.

He is so funny I have 3 adult chihuahua girls and 4 chihuahua puppies that are 6 weeks old.(I socialize litters for a breeder). These chihuahuas rule over him, he is such a wuss where they are concerned. It is too funny. He sleeps so close to me that I feel like a sardine in a too small can LOL.

I can honestly say it has been a joy to have this boy in my life but then they all touch you in some way. He turned 3 on the 6th of September and I sure will not forget this boy.


Aww, what a handsome boy!! I'm sure he'll get a home in no time, Jean!

And kudos to you for rehabilitating! It's a wonderful thing you're doing!!
Your boxers are adorable. I just want to squish them:) My girl is turning 1 yr in a few days, you would never guess she is not 3 months old anymore...I am hoping to add another boxer in the near future, I just want to get Dayna spayed first:) She goes in in a couple weeks for surgery:)
Hi! The pictures of everyones boxers are so cute! I have some questions about boxers.

1. Are they great with kids?
2. Do they have a strong dog smell say like a hound?

3. Can they stay outside? Or can they be crate trained?

I see alot of boxer in the rescues, maybe I can save my $$ and get one.

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