Boys or girls!?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 24, 2013






Hopefully this will work if it doesn't sorry if it does it should show little red lucky and shadow
How old are they? For sure, the buff one and the barred one are roosters. The red one is likely a rooster too.
Am I gonna have to seperate them wen they are older I don't really want to but they are already starting to fight a little bit
yeah you might have to just pick your favorite or form separate flocks with separate coops and runs. Get a few pullets so you will know they are females-around 12 weeks. Since the males mature faster, it will even out the age differences.
Is there a way there a way to neuter them where I can keep all three I don't wanna get rid of them if I don't have to
nOO! But if they are fighting for more than a few days-because they might be establishing a pecking order-then it would be a good idea to remove one or two. I know it sucks. I didn't want a roo and I think I ended up with 2! Roosters are good for some things so I would keep the one you like best. I am waiting to see which one of mine behaves the best during 16-20 week period. Or see if you can get two of them to get along. Either way-get females in there ASAP to keep them distracted!!!!!
Well darn haha well if I could find some hens I would get some but no one is selling any silkie females or any other hens in the breeds either which sucks!! But I hope I can find some soon
To keep that many roosters happy you'll need at least 20 hens, depending on your set up. My first advice is to get rid of the roosters. If you don't want to do that, plan on keeping them in a bachelor pad. Yes, they'll spar a little and squabble, like any birds, but without females around the fighting is usually more posturing than anything else. If you want to get hens, plan on keeping them separate unless you plan to get lots and lots of hens.
I would only be able to get 3-5 one of my roosters is kinda disabled would that make a difference at all he doesn't fight at all its the red one the black one that fight sometimes:/

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