BR pullets or roos? 11 weeks!


In the Brooder
Nov 12, 2015
Fort Worth, Texas
My little babies are now 11 weeks (today) and I was wondering if anyone could guess whether I have all pullets (as ordered). I feel I might have a roo or two in fact.... but I hope I am wrong!
I know they aren't the best pictures but these babies were NOT cooperating last night!!


I am glad the majority vote (so far) is pullet!
I was so nervous.... when they were little they looked so different from each other!
the last two are cockerels, huge combs for 11 weeks! Not too sure about the first one though. :)

BRs usually do have big combs, even as pullets. Combs aren't always the best way to sex BRs without all the other characteristics.

They have no wattles yet, which also is a pullet trait, cockerels would have wattles by now.

Based on the lack of male barring in the feathers, they are all pullets ;)
No, pullets. All of them. I have cuckoos and barred rocks and the hens can have larger combs. They have no cockerel feathering from what I see from these pics. All pullets.

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