Bragging on my Cockerel...


May 10, 2016
Knoxville, TN
I have to brag on what a good "rooster to be" my cockerel was last evening. I'm a first time flock Mama and mine free range.

Every now and then my oldest shih-tzu, Bailey, she's 11, gets a wild hair and wants to chase the chickens. Last evening was one of those times. Bailey was off after anything that would run! Sammy, my cockerel got her attention by running in front of her and led her off in a completely different direction until I could get my hands on Bailey and take the "bad dog" back in the house.

I told my husband that's what a rooster is for, he protected his flock from a predator. So, I truly am a firm believer that having a "brave rooster" around is good thing!
That's exactly what a good rooster will do, sacrifice himself for his hens, what a good boy. He's very pretty.
I have to brag on what a good "rooster to be" my cockerel was last evening. I'm a first time flock Mama and mine free range. Every now and then my oldest shih-tzu, Bailey, she's 11, gets a wild hair and wants to chase the chickens. Last evening was one of those times. Bailey was off after anything that would run! Sammy, my cockerel got her attention by running in front of her and led her off in a completely different direction until I could get my hands on Bailey and take the "bad dog" back in the house. I told my husband that's what a rooster is for, he protected his flock from a predator. So, I truly am a firm believer that having a "brave rooster" around is good thing!
Is he a silver penciled rock? He looks like mine and mines a awsome boy too! Only 4 months old.That breed has the BEST roosters!! Mines brave, good and gentle with his ladies and our family too! Mine wears a no crow collar so he does not bother our neighbors. It works incredibly well! He was such a great roo i had to keep him!! He lets me hold him and hes NEVER bit me once!!! TRUELY A WONDERFUL BREED OF ROO!!♡
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Is he a silver penciled rock? He looks like mine and mines a awsome boy too! Only 4 months old.That breed has the BEST roosters!! Mines brave, good and gentle with his ladies and our family too! Mine wears a no crow collar so he does not bother our neighbors. It works incredibly well! He was such a great roo i had to keep him!! He lets me hold him and hes NEVER bit me once!!! TRUELY A WONDERFUL BREED OF ROO!!♡

Sammy is a bantam EE, 16 weeks old. This was him as a baby...


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