Brahma is sick and very thin


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2022
My Brahma got sick and very lethargic. I brought her inside and have been nursing her since. I believe she has gotten over the actual sickness,but now she is skin and bones. I have been bathing her and force feeding and watering her everyday with not much luck. Her left leg doesn't move at all but her right does. And now when I feed her,she stiffens up and her eyes and head start rapidly twitching. What could be wrong with her and should I euthanize or will she get better? Thanks! (Important Note:I live in Louisiana and we have had record breaking heat above a hundred for several days. Could it be heat stroke? And is that able to be healed from since she is currently paralyzed on one side?)


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How old is this hen? It may be your hen has something more serious going on, such as an avian virus. When one leg becomes paralyzed, we suspect Marek's. I have lymphoid leucosis in my flock and it also can affect one leg like this. It's similar to Marek's. No, there is no cure for either.

I suggest tube feeding to try to help this hen gain weight, but it may not cure her. If you have a vet that sees other pets of yours, ask them to sell you a tube feeding kit for a small animal. Or you can fine plastic aquarium or oxygen tubing, cut it to about ten inches and find a large oral syringe that will fit the diameter of the tubing. If you can get tubing and a syringe that can handle liquid food, I will tell you how to do it.
My hen is 1 year old. I updated my original post about the heat I have been having and some chicken owners around me say it might be heat stroke. I have been feeding her and watering her with a syringe but she has no interest in it or eating on her own. She has gained some weight but is still acting the same.thanks
Her left leg doesn't move at all but her right does. And now when I feed her,she stiffens up and her eyes and head start rapidly twitching.
I agree, it may be Marek's or AVL, hard to know.

Tubing her may be more efficient than syringing food/water into her.

When was her last egg?
How long has she been like this?
I would work on hydration and getting nutrients into her.

If she's not been laying eggs, then she may be struggling with a reproductive disorder like cancer, salpingitis, eyp, etc.

It would be a good idea to get a fecal float to rule out worms as a contributor of her decline as well.

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