Brahma Thread

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Here's my light brahma Melody. She's a beautiful hen! She's now a year old.


OK... why? Simply because she's feathered out more than a cockerel would be at this age?
I am not too familiar with BB so wasn't certain what else to look for.
At what age can an experienced BB person usually tell?
I think all of my LB are hens!!
I'm going to have to find 2 roos now.
I special ordered 15 dark brahama chicks, and I expected one or two of them to be roosters because there's only a 90 - 95% chance that they'd actually all be pullets. But after posting some pictures of the 2 or 3 I thought MIGHT be roosters (with my fingers crossed!) ..... I've been informed that they're probably just really dark hens! UH! So I'm in the same boat as you! I'm on the look out for some dark brahma roosters. Does anyone know what is a good # of hens to roosters? I don't want to get too many ..... also, I don't really want to brood again this year. Does anyone know where in upper PA/lower NY I might be able to buy a couple of dark brahama rooster? I'm VERY new to this whole chick thing, & don't really know where to start looking!
I set a Bantam Brahma hen on 7 eggs 5 hatched
I had 6 more hatch in the bator.
My question is do you think the hen could keep all 11 chicks? I have her in the garage in large dog crate with her 5 little chicks.The other chicks are under a heat lamp in the house. But if I could put the others with her that is one less heat lamp running.
Thanks for any input.
I special ordered 15 dark brahama chicks, and I expected one or two of them to be roosters because there's only a 90 - 95% chance that they'd actually all be pullets. But after posting some pictures of the 2 or 3 I thought MIGHT be roosters (with my fingers crossed!) ..... I've been informed that they're probably just really dark hens! UH! So I'm in the same boat as you! I'm on the look out for some dark brahma roosters. Does anyone know what is a good # of hens to roosters? I don't want to get too many ..... also, I don't really want to brood again this year. Does anyone know where in upper PA/lower NY I might be able to buy a couple of dark brahama rooster? I'm VERY new to this whole chick thing, & don't really know where to start looking!
Ron Yochum has some darks in PA near the Ohio border. I haven't seen them but his buffs I have are real nice. If you PM me I can send you contact information.
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