Brahma with red head.

EACH side of the head? If it's happening on both sides concurrently and there is no blood or scabs, and looking at those pictures, it just looks like normal extensions of the face.
Yes, both sides. But it just started and none of the others have it. Her feathers were solid there a couple days ago.
I agree that she is being pecked so what do I do? I am putting antibiotics cream on her but do I remove her from the coop? I was told that once they pick on a chicken they will continue. Poor sweet girl. She is so docile.
What % protein is their feed? Are there any others who look a little plucked? Have you noticed anyone eating feathers? How big is their coop/run?
They get layer pellets and high protein pellets, oyster shells, grit, meal worms, suet and veggies.
I would put them on the higher protein feed, oyster shell and grit (if they don’t have access to dirt. All of the extras imbalance the nutrients in their feed including the protein .

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