Brahmas?? Anyone USING them as a dual-purpose?

Definitely mine don't fly much. They also tend to do a waddle when they walk and run as well. Kind of like a soccer ball with legs lol. Don't get me wrong I have two acres and they are all over my whole yard. The bonus I think is that as a breed they are so tuned into people. I have had them get out twice now mainly because I have a cochin mix in their coop that hatched out with them and she is so smart she can get out of a locked box lol. But any time that they get lose the minute I come out they come running because they want to be with me. They love tummy scratches and treats and will follow me around the yard. Not at all hard to catch since they are always under foot. They don't tend to fly out of the fencing though or really want to get up on perches that are much higher than a foot. I think it might be too hard for them. They would rather range all over the ground. They do climb stairs though. They have discovered my back deck and now will sit and "knock" on my back door with their beaks until I come out to play lol. They are a wonderful breed.
Interesting! I have been back and forth considering Delaware or Brahma. Sounds like the Brahma has a lot of the qualities I'm looking for. I've not had a roo before and even though I have a big 'ol gander that you shouldn't turn your back on, getting a roo does make me a little wary. Nice to hear of folks using the Brahma in a way I'm hoping to. I enjoy my handful of sexlink layers, and would hate to have chickens that are only functional because I do like their antics in the yard.
Slower growth is fine with me, dark meat is fine. I raised about 50 mixed cockrels last summer as an experiment. We processed at point of crowing....about 15 weeks......disappointed in amount of meat, but I have to say the flavor and stock left behind from roasting was awesome. If I don't have to play "momma" with them, letting them grow out longer won't be a problem, and maybe I'll get a bit more weight on them.
Thanks LilyD and the way...we also raise goats....a few dairy and a few Boers. so much fun
i've heard brahmas are quiet crowers. any truth to this. i think one of my brahmas is turning out to be a roo but i really want to keep him
I never hear mine crow unless I am already outside and my coop is only about 20 feet from my house so I guess you could say they are fairly quiet.
I have raised LF light B's years ago, I did like them very well as a good chicken but not as a meat birds however. If it is a hatchery bird there is nothing about it that is "dual purpose" Good layers yes for meat not so much. They do mature slowly that's true and a good quality LB can dress out nicely, but you need to pyhsicaly handle the bird to judge what is fluff and what is flesh. Heritage bred LB birds will be your only true DP source, not hatchery stock mixes, now if you prefer a 2 1/2lb dressed weight carcass or think that's what it should weigh then by all means get them from a hatchery, if not better off to get real birds from real breeders and there won't be any disappointment.
My experience with Brahmas (from a breeder, not a hatchery, and European, so HEAVY) is ...very slow growth....reach maximum size at about 18 months. Reasonable layers, but often about 9 months before they start. Most of my hens have been very broody types.

The roos....real heavyweights, voices like foghorns, almost never aggressive. Good flock leaders.

All of them tend to be easy to handle and calm, but have a tendency to laziness and getting fat. None of mine can do much more than flutter down from a wall about 18 inches high and never fly.Quite a lot of them don't perch at night, but sleep in a heap on the floor.
I'm in Washington state and being relatively new to raising "birds", I've only ever had hatchery chickens. Any leads on where I should look to find a reputable breeder for Brahmas?
You must ne feeding some high protein feed. My brahams are at about 20 weeks and are mostly feathers. I was surprised by their size when I picked one up. They looked big but no, still growing their frame.
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You must ne feeding some high protein feed. My brahams are at about 20 weeks and are mostly feathers. I was surprised by their size when I picked one up. They looked big but no, still growing their frame.

I am feeding layer right now. The birds that I have are just getting to 20 weeks and are already laying well. I get an egg a day from each of them (just with I had more of them). They do get high protein treats like nuts to supplement them since they don't have any bugs right now. They still forage about 8 hours and then eat their pellets at night before bed. I had to pick up one of the girls the other night and spent time itching her chest and she is really quite meatie. Her legs as well.

muddylilly~ I got mine from Bigdawg right here on BYC and I can definitely say that I am not disappointed at all. I like having the option to let them go longer if they need to but so far I haven't had to they are just huge but cuddly too lol.

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