Brand new chick basics


7 Years
Oct 2, 2016
Hi all-we let a bantam sit on eggs and one just now hatched-it’s been a couple years since we’ve had babies and now I’m wondering-Do I need to take chick out immediately and give it water? Should I leave it alone for a few hours? It’s warm and active sitting under mom. It’s in nesting box about 10 inches off the floor of the coop. Should I move mom and other eggs to separate section on floor of the coop so they can be together and chicks have easy access to food/water? I have chicken food and heat lamp but it’s summer and 95° so I’m wondering if I can just let mom do her thing. Thanks in advance
You should probably move mom and the chick to a non-wire bottomed cage and put a chick waterer and feeder in. I would suggest moving the cage to a garage or something away from the other chickens until its a bit older, besides that the mom should take care of it by herself.
Before you move them, what is the mom's place in the pecking order? If she is high up, you may not have to move her. If she's low, then yes, you should definitely take her out. You have to know your birds, and gauge how they would react to a baby.
Whatever you choose to do, just make sure that you have some food and water by the nest where they can get at it easily. You don't have to do anything to the chick though. Just let the mom do everything. She'll know what to do.
I would let the mother hen do everything. I would put a waterer and a feeder close to them (separate from what the others are using). This will make sure that they do not have to fight their way through everyone else.

The chicks will get out of the nesting boxes when mother hen tells them to. My nesting boxes are a foot or so off the coop floor and my chicks get out just fine.

They absorb the yolk and that sustains the chicks up to 3 days without food and water (pretty neat how this works). You do not have to worry about the starving or not getting water, mother hen will take care of them.

Here is a BYC article to help you on letting Broodies raise their chicks:
I would let momma do her thing just make sure that they have a food and water source separate from the others so they don't have to fight there way through the rest of your flock
Thank you all! She’s definitely higher up in the pecking order but she’s smaller than other hens. We will put an enclosure around her and Chicks and make sure they have food and water and just keep a close eye.

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