Brazen Hawks and Ninja Chipmunks Questions


Feb 9, 2015
I take my 3 buff orp girls out for short excursions on warm sunny days, like today. When I take them out, I give them my full attention making sure I know where they are at all times. So far, they are very good about not straying too far. This morning as I watched them play, I contemplated letting them stay outside while I work on my veggie garden. While I'm thinking this, I see a huge hawk start gliding towards us. Its wing span was at least 4 or 5 feet. I stood up and started bellowing, waving my arms, doing everything to make myself scary. The girls ran between my legs. This hawk came within 20 yards of us before having a change of heart. I couldn't believe how brazen this bird was; he thought he could get an easy snack while I'm standing right over them! The hawk was intimidated this time.....but will he get brave and try again? Do I need to entertain the possibility that I may have to physically battle a hawk? I was planning on free ranging the girls when they are all grown up, but now......I'm not so sure about that. It seems a shame to keep them penned up when we have so much property for them to roam. I don't want to lose them either. I am emotionally attached to them even though they are technically livestock.

My other question is about chipmunks. We have so many running around the house. They are cute n all, but are they little demon chick slayers in disguise? Would a chipmunk attack a baby chick? I ask because the second outside excursion they had today I noticed a chipmunk stalking us.

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