Bread and more bread

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I would try a piece of both of them. Thay way I would know which one I would like a second piece of. I think I will bake some also.
I buttered up a slice of each and I am alternatiing. The cheese is so savory and the cracked wheat a tad sweet, so this is dinner and dessert.
I have a really cool cook and making bread in 20 minutes and NO kneading. You basically make a wet dough that you mix up with mixer & dough hook for about 3 minutes - then keeps in the frig and you cut off a piece when you want it - let it rise and bake. I use dough for weekly pizza night and between the two of us lasts for about three weeks. I'll get the exactly name of the book if anyone is interested.

I would always go for the cheese bread first.

Are you talking about the Artisan Bread In Five Minutes A Day book? That is a great book for easy and quick bread!
That would be it! I couldn't for the life of me pull the name out of the fuzzy hat - better known as my brain! I read about this book in Fine Cooking and went out and got a copy immediately. So far have only really used for pizza dough but want to master other types of bread too. What did you think of the process?


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