BREAD: To Feed or Not to Feed??


7 Years
Aug 13, 2012
That is the question! I've heard that bread could be bad for laying, and I've heard the opposite.

Any thoughts!!!
As expensive as feed is i look for anything that will help fill in. I use any bread or other veges and they love'em.
We don't feed it a regular part of our feed, but my fil sends over his older bread once a week or so and the girls scarf it down. No difference in production from day to day.

I don't see that giving it regularly would effect laying. Bread is grains, which is what the feed it. But unless you're getting it for free, I think pound per pound buying a bag of feed is still more cost effective.
To Feed! (Sparingly) I second the previous comments. Bread is a great treat, but doesn't have the necessary nutrients as a sole food source.
Well actually we haven't introduced them to bread yet, unless they've had it from the owner we got them from. But I would only use it as a treat. But I was wondering what the thoughts were from the forum before I started giving them any.

Loved to hear your experiences and knowledge, pick your collective brain so to speak! LOL :D
My chickens love spelt bread! I only give sparingly. (didn't begin offering any type of treats until they were about 4 months old) They get their feed, roam the lawn for grass and bugs, and have scratch, fruit, greens, and bread as treats/supplemental.
I give mine left-over crusts that I have to trim off of my grandkids sandwiches! The chickens love the bread crusts.......I also feed them our left-over fruits and veggies, as well as their organic feed! They are very happy, healthy chicks! LOL! ~Beulah
That is the question! I've heard that bread could be bad for laying, and I've heard the opposite.

Any thoughts!!!
The problem with this is that the issue of bread or no bread is not a yes or no answer. Too much bread is bad for production. Bread fed sparingly or as a treat is just fine. I give my birds bread myself and they lay like pros. Yes, if I were to feed them a diet primarily composed of bread they would not lay as well. You need to find a happy medium. People need to understand the difference between something being bad period and something being bad when given too much. It seems like people automatically think that things either can be done or they can't. That is just not so in a lot of cases, such as feeding birds bread. Sorry for ranting, I'm not getting on to you but instead trying to get a point out there.
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I've been feeding my 300+ chickens whole grain breads for quite some time as treats and they have never slowed down. Now it's not the main food, just a treat. They like the grain breads, 12 and 21 are the favorites. Yes, I get my bread for free, so it's hard to pass that up for the birds. They turn their beaks up and walk away from the white bread, they know whats good for them appearantly. Now I take a knife and cut the bread up into small pieces so everyone can get a bit, I've tried throwing the whole slice in but that just caused a food fight.

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