Breaking a broody w/pics

Like yourself Amanda I am leaving on a trip as well. Our broody spent 48 hours in a confined cage within the Chickmore Estate and morning pen. After the 48 hour she started to roost again.

I don't believe she was eating/drinking quite the same as usual. I hot glued a carry out Chinese soup bowl to a over sized bowl. I filled the soup container w/scratch, fresh fruits/veggies along with BOSS and meal worms, the over sized bowl filled with water. This helped her from tipping ething over. It was very easy to monitor her intake which she did. The other 3 girls have been laying on schedule. Broody has not laid since the confinement thus far.

A neighbor will be looking after our small flock while we are away. I cannot expect the same attention as we give the flock. I hope our broody stays "right" while we are away. Time will only tell.

Good luck to you and don't let your broody ruin your vacation. What is meant to be is meant to be.
Good news! Finally, she seems better. Yesterday afternoon we realized all the others had already laid, so we blocked off the nesting boxes and let her out with the others. I kept them blocked overnight so she could roost with the flock and this morning let them out to free range. When I put them back in I unblocked the nesting boxes. I just went out to check and she was hanging outside with the others! Finally! We have had other broodies but simply taking them off the nest had worked in the past.
Congrats! Its a good feeling that you can leave for vacation not worrying about her.

Our broody still has not laid yet, but hopefully she will start back up soon.
Thank you! Our still hasn't laid either. We ended up with another broody, but I keep taking her out of the box, then she stays out until the next day. Neither of them are laying right now, but I'm glad they are back to eating and hanging with the others.

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