Breathing issues


8 Years
Jun 27, 2015
So, I have a closed flock, never had an issue, until today. One of my young brahmas, about 4 months old, has started gasping at times. I've noticed it the past 4 days, but my kids said it's been going on about a week. I put her on Tylan 50 oral, .5ml/day, so she's on day 4. Zero improvement, in fact, today I felt like maybe I heard some fluid on her lungs. She is separate from the flock, and I'm not noticing any signs of illness in anyone else. Any suggestions?
Gasping is a sign of a respiratory problem usually, but I would check the crop to feel if it is empty, full, hard, soft, or puffy like a balloon. Sometimes a rattly sound is heard if liquid is getting into the airway from a puffy crop, or from mucus in the airway from a respiratory disease. Let us know how the crop feels.

Look for any nasal drainage, watery or foamy eye, or sneezing/coughing which are other signs of a respiratory disease. The symptoms may point to a virus, bacterial disease, or it could also be caused by mold fungus.
I'm having a similar problem with one of my hens. She will also shake her whole body so hard that she almost falls over occasionally. But she's eating and drinking really well. Not sure what to do. Watching this thread.

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