Breathing issues?


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2020
I accidentally got locked in my chicken coop last night (funny story). I was in there for about 35 mins waiting for my spouse or children to realize I was missing. While being in there I was able to hear my rooster breathing. He seemed to breath louder than the hens do. I would not say he was struggling to breath, or breathing heavily, just more loudly. This is my first time raising chickens so I just wanted to check to see if there was any insight on weather this was normal or not. He is otherwise healthy, eats fine, started crowing a couple weeks ago. I cant say how long this has been going on because when Im normally with them its not quiet outside so I don't normally have the ability to hear the quieter sounds.
Very funny! I honestly am not sure, if it’s quiet it may be normal. I’m actually having the same issue with my rooster (his breathing is way more noticeable and sounds like air blowing slowly through a horn). I just bought him a few days ago. I did a little research and apparently it can be a few issues- sour crop was one of them, or another one was possibly grass in the throat.

Hope this helps and I will be looking to see what other answers people are saying!

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