Breech pip


10 Years
Apr 26, 2009
I have 28 eggs of various breeds (got them from a local farm) and this is day 19 pm and I have one egg pipped at the correct end and one that pipped this morning on the breech end. I waited 8 hours and nothing more from it. I was worried that it had drown or sufficated and so against so many people's advice but following some as well, I quickly snuck it out of the bator and carefully felt the membrane and felt a beak and removed just enough to let the little peep get its beak out. I moistened the membrane and quickly placed it back into the bator with the beak end propped up a bit so as to assure its breathing. This was about 3 hours ago and since then it has not done anymore zipping and it is still peeping, moving and opening and closing its beak. The question I am hoping to get help with is whether or not its lack of further zipping might indicate problems. I am sooooo stressed - hubby thinks I am loopy and is about ready to drag me kicking and screaming out of the bator room. HELP PLEASE!!

Calm down ( I know easier said than done )

I know this is not what you want to hear but let nature take its course, When a chick is unable to hatch on it's own it's for a reason the chick/hatching world is a harsh place. Like I said I know this is not what you want to hear so I will also say this.... Usually once you start to help a chick hatch you have to help it the rest of the way. As long as the chick can get air ( I belive you said it could ) I would wait a full 24 hours from the time he has pipped in till you help him out all the way, hopefully by that time it has absorbed all the yolk sac and has a chance of making it !!!!

Here is some info for you with whatever way you decided to do it.....

wish you lots of luck with your hatch !!!

ETA - I need to stress this.... make sure you wait a full 24 hours in till you take the chick out fully.... A chick can take a while before he is ready to come out.... also try to keep the bator closed as much as possible so the humidity doesnt get to screwed up (that could mess up the whole hatch)
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Thank you so much for the words of encouragement as well as the very sage advice. I am watching over it like a mother hen:p and talking to it to give it encouragement, silly I know but it makes me feel better. I will post when something changes. Thank you again!!!!
Best words of advice from me is get a chair set in your incubator room where you can see the chicks by setting in the chair then this is most important part put both of your hands on the chair then set on your hands so you will leave them alone, opening a incubator the last 24 to 48 hours kills more chicks then just about anything trust me i have learned over the years the hard way
Don't give up on the little fellow.

In my last hatch, I had two breech out of 11 eggs. It took them a little longer but they both made it no problems.
I've had other breech chicks usually they make it just fine.
Well folks can say what they want, but every six hours as long as it's alive, I'd used a wet paper towel so you can see the blood vessels in the membrane and I'd remove as much of the shell as you can around it's upper body.

Know that you may compromise the rest of the eggs doing this, you may already have done that.
Well, little peep is still hanging in there:) I have had an additional 4 pips (6 total now)since I put the breech back in and I am actually using a syringe with a long thin hypo needle to drip warm (102) water onto the exposed membrane. I can still see the blood vessels but they are getting much smaller. Little peep is "talking" and moving...lifts its head up and opens and shuts its beak, almost clicks its beak. I am not opening the bator up again, I promise!! I am being very watchful and keeping the breech moist. I am hoping for the best!! I have 13 preschoolers coming tomorrow and I hope that I will have fluffed-up chicks for them see. Am I correct in thinking that I need to keep the bator closed until all viable eggs are hatched? ven if it means that this breech and his 5 other pips hatch today (I think that I am going to have to name the breech Gladys Knight with all her pips) and the rest hatch over the next few days? When do I worry that the older peeps need food and water? I know they are good for at least 24 hours, but what then?
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Thank you all for your wonderful support through the --blah-- that was this ordeal. It is day 21 am of the incubation, out of 28 viable eggs I have 24 chicks right now and 2 more that have pipped. My little breech pip made it and is doing really great. I am so glad that my intervention did not compromise its health and well being!!! I don't know if it would have made it if I hadn't helped and we will never know, however next time something like this happens, I will TRY to keep my human hands to myself and let the peep work through it on its own. I truly believe that if I had left it, it would have done fine. When I intervened there was a small amount of bleeding, the umbelical cord was not fully closed off and the chick was just not ready...that said, my 20/20 hindsight on this one is that I should have just been patient!!! Like I said, the breech pip peep is doing great, but I do not take credit for it at all!!!!! I was just lucky that things didn't go the other way, as they so easily could have gone...I was lucky and I AM grateful that the little peep didn't have to pay with its life for me to learn this lesson. The lesson that I learned was that I was trying to push Mother Nature and She doesn't like that!!! Thank you all again who took the time to help me through this!!!

I would send a picture of all of my sweet peeps, I can not figure out how though!!
Congrats! That is a great hatch rate! I am glad the little breech one made it. Sounds like you did a great job!

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